Friday, August 10, 2007

Hi Steve,

I appreciate very much your "Business Proverbs" articles & resources.
Thanks for being such a blessing.

I'd like to express my appreciation through an acrostic of your name
that you may sing to the tune of "How Great Thou ARt" hymn. Hope you'll like it.


S eek first the Lord, His Kingdom and righteousness!
T rust and obey, for theres no other way;
E xalt His Name, Soli Deo Gloria!
V ictory in Christ,
E mpow'red through the Spirit!

M eet for the Masters use, pleasing to Him!
A doulos ready to serve Him!
R ich in wisdom, His Word in the heart hid!
R eally a blessing to others!


Thank you for your creativity, and encouragement. I will save this.
"How Great Thou Art" is in my top ten favorite hymns.

In Christ,
Steve Marr
Joshua 1:8

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