Thursday, May 10, 2007

Hi, I'm Agung Halim from Indonesia. I love writing acrostics, out of people's names, book titles, greetings, etc and tune them to songs or hymns that you can sing to.
The most frequent song I use is "YOu Raise Me Up" as it is my favourite and loved by many people.

So here is one for Josh:


J ust be your unique self, dare to be different!
O pursue excellence and nothing less!
S oaring high as the eagle most majestic!
H elp raise others to more than they can be!

G rab your dream, make it happen
R each for the star!
O ffer your very best,
B elieve yourself!
A passion for for transformation ignite!
N ever give up - with persistence GO ON!

May 11, 2007

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