Wednesday, January 24, 2007


A ll-out effort
L et us give our maximum!
L ive to the fullest,

T ransforming the world;
H ave passion for continuing improvement!
E nduring & lasting legacy leave

B e all we can be, our potential realize;
E xpect all is possible when we believe,
S trive for true excellence and nothing less!
"T he best is yet to be" let us pursue!

"You Raise Me Up" tune


--- Angie Morgan wrote:

Thank you so much. This means a great deal to me!
I know that Liz will greatly appreciate this.

All the best, Angie

From: agung halim []
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 7:01 PM
To: Angie Morgan
Subject: acrostic for Liz

Hi Angie, here's the acrostic for Liz:


L eading with
I ntegrity and full of
Z est;
L ive, love
A nd learn, leaving a legacy;
R aise others up,
M otivate to be their best!
I nspiring a shared vision that impacts!
R each for the star and be a true guiding light,
A transformation in the world create!
N othing less than excellence aspiring!
D are to be different and make a difference!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban.

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