L eaders serve, sacrifice,
A pt to teach,
D o pass on legacies;
E xpect critics,
R eally honest feedback seek;
S tand up, do your part; show appreciation!
L eadership is a trust-based RELATIONSHIP!
E xpose yourself &
G et to be well-liked;
A llow disagreements,
C hoose to understand;
Y es, let your people go & give freedom!
T he future embrace;
I gnite the people's vision, stir their souls;
T he leader in others liberating,
S how humility as a follower!
B e COURAGEOUS, ready to make tough choices!
E xpect adversities, fear, suffering;
S trong beliefs, little acts can make a difference!
T o be human, humble & dare to fail!
By grdngrl - A Leader's Legacy (J-B Leadership Challenge: Kouzes/Posner) (Hardcover)
Great book! A quick read with terrific principles and concepts that apply to more than business situations and also apply to every level of an organization. A must read for everyone whether or not you are in a leadership position. I will keep this one around.
April 20, 2010
By Christina E. Dumeng (Boston Area, USA)
A Leader's Legacy (Paperback)
I absolutely enjoyed "A Leader's Legacy!" Each chapter made me think about how I want to be remembered. What I have learned from reading this book is that in order to leave a legacy---I need to be a SERVANT LEADER to do so. Servant leaders lead without ego. Servant leaders suffer and sacrifice for the betterment of mankind with no strings attached. This book opened my eyes, mind, and most of all heart to the true meaning of leadership.
For would-be leaders who CAN NOT concentrate on a subject for more than 5 paragraphs, December 2, 2009
By M. Heiss (USA)
A Leader's Legacy (J-B Leadership Challenge: Kouzes/Posner) (Hardcover)
What a disappointment. I was a fan of their earlier book, The Leadership Challenge. That book was exciting and fresh, with plenty of anecdotes and information.
This book is like an outline - it has all the depth of a flip chart. Each header gets about three bullet points, one name drop, and then whoosh! Talk about something else. It is mediocre at best. Don't waste your $22.95 purchasing this.
Leadership Material In A Quick, Easy To Read Format, April 30, 2009
By Philip R. Heath "Gadgets, Music, & Books" (DFW) -
A Leader's Legacy (J-B Leadership Challenge: Kouzes/Posner) (Hardcover)
Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner are well known for the leadership text, The Leadership Challenge. While it is an in depth blueprint for leadership, A Leader's Legacy is a more succinct and thought provoking book. As the authors point out, much of the material is based on the questions that people have asked them over the years, and I was very pleased at the amount of insight that they offered in less than 200 pages. This is an excellent next level book to follow up The Leadership Challenge. Kouzes and Posner present their material in 21 essays organized into four high level categories:
* Significance
* Relationships
* Aspirations
* Courage
The essays are self contained and less than 10 pages each making for an ideal daily reading exercise. While there are no throw away essays, I'll highlight some of the ones that I found most meaningful from each section.
Chapter 2 - The Best Leaders Are Teachers
There are really two thoughts in this topic. The first matches the title of the chapter, and the real point is that it is a leader's job to help the people they lead become better. The leader has to be willing to give something to those that they lead, and that is part of the legacy. The second (and subordinate) thought is on how we teach. Stories are a powerful thing. Can you remember one of your leaders sharing something specific about their experience and relating it to the current situation? There is also a great deal of self awareness needed here because our interactions and stories leave a lasting impression on the people we lead. Are we careful and deliberate in the messages we give our people?
Chapter 10 - Let Your People Go
I was surprised at the content of this chapter based on its title. I expected it to be about letting people take on new opportunities rather than hoarding them in a selfish way. However, the real topic turned out to be micromanagement. It's about empowering people to unleash their full potential. This is the key in moving from accountability (external motivation) to responsibility (internal motivation). Long term, sustainable results (hence a legacy) come from responsibility.
Chapter 15 - Leaders Are Followers, Too!
Being the leader doesn't make someone the de facto expert in every situation. Leaders must recognize when it makes sense for someone else to set the direction in a given situation. It requires the leader to know and trust their people, but delegation is a powerful aspect of leadership. Used properly, it gets better results for the task at hand while also developing the leadership capabilities of others.
Chapter 20 - Failure Is Always an Option
Despite the quality of a leader and what they've been taught, bad things still happen. The authors do a good job of discussing the difference between probability and possibility. Many times the improbable is still possible, and leaders who leave a solid legacy recognize the difference and accomplish great things. The other topic that is so often overlooked is the impact of the learning curve. The mistake is often repeated to expect no dip or an increase in performance even when a team or person is trying something new.
Like I said, the other topics are also excellent, but I'd essentially have to write the book again to describe it. If you liked The Leadership Challenge, this is an excellent follow up book. I highly recommend it.
The pursuit of enduring significance beyond temporal success, March 26, 2009
By Rebecca Clement "Publisher, Soundview Executi... (Philadelphia, PA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: A Leader's Legacy (J-B Leadership Challenge: Kouzes/Posner) (Hardcover)
Once a person achieves a certain level of success, their focus and attention tend to shift toward the pursuit of significance - often by creating something that will endure beyond their own existence. This holds true for most leaders of any organization who aspire to leave the world a better place than they found it, and it's the essence of the took titled - A Leader's Legacy, which proposes the idea that the creation of an enduring legacy requires a significant shift from the short-term drivers of success. Soundview recommends this book because it expands on this concept by arguing that a legacy is timeless in that it seeks to embody the future, present and past by forcing us to examine where we're going, where we are and have already been. This book is a compendium of 21 leadership essays that are grouped by the following legacy categories: courage, aspirations, relationships and significance. Each essay weaves together familiar truths along with new concepts on each of the respective topics to produce fresh perspectives that possess a strength of purpose. But that strength isn't reserved solely for leaders, it's available to each of us if we choose to live our lives asking the question, "How do I want to be remembered?" The consequences of that question is the stuff of true legacy.
A Leader's Legacy Review by Mark Edward Brown, January 29, 2009
By Mark Edward Brown "Leader, Mentor, & Visionary" (www.MarkEdwardBrown.com) -
A Leader's Legacy (J-B Leadership Challenge: Kouzes/Posner) (Hardcover)
A Leader's Legacy is about exactly that, the legacy that a leader leaves behind both in his or her personal life and or business life, for some exceptional people business and personal life may be one and the same.
There are four parts to A Leader's Legacy, they are:
Part 1 - Significance
Part 2 - Relationships
Part3 - Aspirations
Part4 - Courage
Each part has 5 chapters except part 4 which has 6 chapters. Each chapter is easy to read the longest chapter being only 8 pages long. Do not dismiss the brevity of each chapter because this book will engage your mind.
Do to my life and career experiences with leadership I could easily relate with virtually every subject presented in this book. My favorite portion of each part are as follows:
The best except from part 1 on Significance is found on page 36 which reads:
"Whatever your role in life may be, you make a difference. There is a 100 percent chance that you can be a role model for leadership. There is a 100 percent chance that you can influence someone else's performance. There is a 100 percent chance that you can affect what someone else thinks, says and does. There is a 100 percent chance that you will make a difference in other people's lives."
The best excerpt from part 2 on Relationships is found on page 57 which reads:
"We will work harder and more effectively for people we like. And we will like them in direct proportion to how they make us feel." --Irwin Federman
The best excerpt from part 3 on Aspirations is found on page 90 which reads:
"leadership development is fist and foremost self-development. Becoming a leader begins with an exploration of the inner territory as we search to find our own authentic voice. Leaders must decide on what matters in life, before they can live a life that matters."
The best except from part 4 on Courage is found throughout the entire 6 final chapters of the book. I can not paraphrase the lessons learned and wisdom shared because there is not enough room in this review.
I liked this book, it was easy to read, it was thought provoking and there is nothing about it that I would change, in fact this read motivates me to read the other works on Leadership that Mr. Kouzes and Posner have written
I recommend this book to anyone who wants to lead effectively and leave a lasting impression as well. Leaders at all levels can learn from this book.
This is a Five Star read. - Two Thumbs Up. - My Highest Recommendation
Mark Edward Brown - International Success Strategist
By Heather Beheler -
This review is from: A Leader's Legacy (J-B Leadership Challenge: Kouzes/Posner) (Hardcover)
While taking a 6mo leadership class, we were required to read several books on leadership. This was not one of the choices, but I stumbled upon it through another book. This is perhaps one of the best books I've read on leadership as it really touches on the human side and delves into the theory of servant leadership. It is a must read if you are serious about being a leader vs a manager or if you're interested in becoming a better leader.
A Leader's Legacy (J-B Leadership Challenge: Kouzes/Posner) (Hardcover)
Mush! I am a big fan of Kouzes and Posner and consider "Leadership Challenge" to be the best book out there on the subject. In fact I use it as a text for a graduate course I teach on strategic management. But "A Leader's Legacy" is a chain of cliches - pure pablum. A real let down!
May 24, 2007
By Rolf Dobelli "getAbstract" (Switzerland)
This review is from: A Leader's Legacy (J-B Leadership Challenge: Kouzes/Posner) (Hardcover)
This easy-to-read, well-organized inspirational book shows you in 21 short chapters what it takes to become a leader. The essays are concise and transparent, and the numerous examples will inspire anyone who needs a boost in leadership energy. Some material is repeated, basic or familiar, but the book offers a great deal of wisdom about motivational leadership and making your mark. If you'd like a short but solid manual on leadership issues to read on the airplane or over the weekend, we recommend tossing this into your carry-on or briefcase.
The Best yet !, January 30, 2007
By Drew Kugler (los angeles, ca)
Stretching back to the 80's, I seen and heard nearly the full gamut of Kouzes and Posner's contributions. This book strikes a uniquely authentic chord. By itself, the section on Courage is worth the price of the whole book. It is a work that captures both the emotion and practicality of leadership. Not an easy task!
By A. Rogers "ARR" (North Carolina, USA) -
My boss gave me this book to read for a group of college students that I am advising. I thought it was an "academic" book that wouldn't hold my attention. How wrong was I!!!!!!!!!!
This book is a must read for anyone desiring to get a grasp on their leadership philosophy. A lot of the principles outlined in the book are not foreign, but are finally articulated in a way that everyone can understand. I had several 'aha' moments. Or moments where I thought, "I do that"!
The book was confirming and affirming. I plan to read some other works by them.
A Leaders Legacy, January 14, 2007
By V. J. Armstrong "vixonme2" (New Zealand)
Great and simple for those of us who are serious yet just beginning!
Kouzes and Posner's newest work, January 10, 2007
By C. Ho (Gig Harbor, WA)
Kouzes and Posner have done it again! They have used their well-researched techniques and proven strategies to produce an easy to read, short review of best practices for leaders. They are the best!
January 7, 2007
By Trish Corlew (Suburb of Memphis TN)
I am in the midst of a serious crisis in our work environment. I purchased multiple books to help me evaluate our situation. This book was one of the best I read. It made me question why it's taken me so long to act on a problem that we have had for a while. Thank you for such a wonderful book that asked great questions to get me to realize how important this change is to our organization. This book will inspire you to be a better leader and it is quite easy to read. Some of my favorite passages are:
- "We're (leaders) presented with the chance to change a life."
- "Nothing really significant can ever be achieved unless people feel appreciated by their leader."
- "Extraordinary achievements never bloom in barren and unappreciate settings."
- "Leadership requires a resonant connection with others over matters of the heart."
- "Leadership is personal."
- "If you have people working for you in leadership roles who truly don't care if other people don't like them, THEN FIRE THEM." (emphasis I added)
My personal favorites, which just emphasized that my intuition was right along...
- "It's about intimacy. It's about familiarity. It's about empathy. The kind of communication needed to enlist others in a common vision requires understanding constiuents at a much deeper level than we normally find comfortable. It requires understanding others' strongest yearnings and their deepest fears. It requires a profound awareness of their joys and their sorrows. It requires experiencing life as they experience it."
- "When was the last time I fought for a value that I cherished? When was the last time I was resolute in the face of stern resistance? And we also have to ask ourselves am I ready for my next RPM (Rosa Parks Moment)?"
This is one of those books that should be in every new manager's library and every manager that has been leading for more than five years. It will give you great ideas to start and will bring you back to what made you successful. But, it also challenges you to try new ideas and learn from your mistakes, as well as others.
By Alan Spiegelman (San Francisco, Ca, USA)
Kouzes and Posner boil down their 20+ years of research on the characteristics that define true leaders in this easy to read, no nonsense book. They discuss the fact, by definition, no one can be a leader unless they have followers, and no one will follow those with poor leadership skills. Leadership is about treating people with respect, no matter where they may be on the corporate ladder. The authors really hit the mark with this concise, but well thought out and extremely relevant synopsis of the traits of true leaders. This is a must read for those in positions of responsibility for others in the corporate world, as well as in our government and educational institutions.
By Jennifer Nichols "Queen of Connections" (Sonoma, California) -
A Leader's Legacy (J-B Leadership Challenge: Kouzes/Posner) (Hardcover)
I found the authors nailed it with this book. It's full of insights into being a leader. . . and in a conversational, easy to read format. The book is full of compelling stories, I read it in a couple of sittings.
I guess what I loved most about it was the common sense, no nonsense way leadership is viewed. Simple statements (not simplisitic) such as "We will work harder and more effectively for people we like. And we will like them in direct proportion to how they make us feel." As they point out we don't need to read mountains of studies on emotional intelligence to understand the truth of these words.
By Stephen Hoel "Stephen Hoel, Diversity Leaders... (Orlando, Florida) -)
This review is from: A Leader's Legacy (J-B Leadership Challenge: Kouzes/Posner) (Hardcover)
I have become increasingly familiar with the work of Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner for the past 5 years and now they've taken Leadership to an even more exciting level. We all leave a legacy and have a choice of how we want people to remember us. It's the way we live and this is an inspiring resource to how we each can do that in the most positive way. This a great follow up to their insightful research of The Leadership Challenge and is filled with stories of how I can facilitate learning in others to not only take the challenge, but to also accomplish extraordinary results. Anyone can do it, and this book helps us learn how. I use it in every class I teach. This is a "must have" resource for anyone teaching leadership or wanting to learn more of the logical ways to simply move closer to living the legacy we desire.
September 7, 2006
By Daren Blonski "Daren Blonski" (Sonoma, CA USA)
The Leader's Legacy is a treasure that all leaders must own. Jim and Barry have a way of bringing to the surface some key issues facing leaders today. Every once in a while I come across a book where if I don't resist gets highlighted every other word. The Leader's Legacy is just this sort of book; it's full of pearls of wisdom and insight
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