Tuesday, September 22, 2020



*N* ow pause 

*E* rase all negative thoughts 

*G* o 

*A* ll the way 

*T* o be better 

*I* mprove continuously 

*V* anquish, conquer our fears 

*E* mpower and elevate 

*T* ransform 

*O* ur world 

*P* urpose to realize 

*O* ur heart, our mind 

*S* eek to balance 

*I* n everything 

*T* hank God 

*I* gnite positive thoughts 

*V* ision inspire & 

*E* nlarge! 

 Tune to *Amazing Grace*

Sept. 3, 2020

POY Sharing



*H* o'oponopono let's practise 

*O* ur world will become 

*M* ore peaceful 

*E* xpress "I love you", "I forgive you", " I'm sorry" 

*Y* es "Thank you" for all I'm given

Tune to *Amazing Grace*

Sept. 4, 2020

POY sharing



*Y* es! Together WE CAN! Never quit! 

*U* nstoppable - 

 *L* ift others up! 

*I* nspire - 

*A* im for the star! 

*N* othing's impossible! 

*A* ll to God be the glory! 

Tune to *Amazing Grace*

Sept. 4, 2020

POY Sharing



*F* rom Good to Great 

*R* ise up and make it happen 

*A* im for the star, go all-out 

*N* ever quit! 

*C* hoose to make a difference 

*I* nspire! Impact 

*S* trive for excellence 

*C* ommit 

*A* ll [will] come true 

Tune to *You Raise Me Up* reff

Sept.4, 2020

POY Sharing


 *BAHAGIA* acrostic 

*B* e HAPPY - a decision of life 

*A* lways rejoice 

*H* ave love to share 

*A* ll is of God, from God 

*G* ive thanks in everything 

*I* n our world 

*A* difference make 

 Tune to *Amazing Grace*

Sept. 9, 2020

POY Sharing



*B* e yourself & 

*A* ccept who you are 

*M* an helping man helping himself 

*B* elieve 

*A* ll's possible 

*N* ever quit! Just do it! 

*G* o and make a real difference! 

Tune to *Amazing Grace*

Sept. 11, 2020

POY Sharing



*D* are to succeed 

*I* mpossible is nothing 

*C* hoose to be yourself, do not imitate 

*K* eep on fire in pursuit of excellence 

*Y* es, We Can! Together Each Achieves More!   

Tune to "You Raise Me Up" reff  

Sept. 18, 2020

POY Sharing



*I* mpact &  

*N* ow make a difference in your life 

*D* etermine to be the best you can be 

*A*  ccept all with the points-of-you framework 

*H* ope inspire and unleash potentials   

Tune to "You Raise Me Up" reff  

Sept. 18, 2020

POY sharing



*W* inning attitude inspire with passion 

*I* gnite the spirit of Die-hard - Never quit! 

*D* o the best, always strive for excellence 

*Y* ield to God, Ad Mojorem Dei Gloriam (AMDG) 

 Tune to "You Raise Me Up" reff

Sept.18, 2020

POY sharing



*S* eek the best in others, be an inspiration 

*A* ll's possible - believe and just do it 

*N* ever give up! Nothing is impossible 

*D* are to innovate and keep on trying 

 *W* ith passion, enthusiasm - make your dream true 

*I* gnite the spirit of die-hard! Never quit! 

*C* hoose to make a difference in all our lives 

*H* ave determination to excellence 

 Tune to *You Raise Me Up*



 *E* agerly and without fear 

*X* plore the world 

*P* urpose of 

*L* ife: to live it, to taste it 

*O* h newer, 

*R* icher experience reach out for 

*E* nrich and fill your life with adventures 

 Tune to *You Raise Me Up* reff

23 Sept. 2020