Friday, July 19, 2019


AVODAH A ct of worship is our work and call V ital relationship with God O ur gifts and talents use D o as acts of service A ll for His Name & H is glory Tune to "Amazing Grace"

Thursday, July 18, 2019

WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS *WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS* *W* e have a wonderful Saviour *H* is name is above all names *A* lmighty God & *T* rusted friend *A* mazing His love and grace *F* or as we are *R* eceived He *I* n His blood our sins atoned *E* xalt Christ *N* ow as Lord and King *D* o honour His majesty _____________ *W* e long for You *E* njoy Your fellowship *H* ow our soul thirst *A* s a deer pants *V* erily for the water *E* mmanuel God is always there for us *I* n the midst of storms in our lives *N* ever will He forsake us *J* esus, Your friendship *E* ndures through the ages *S* uch a faithful Friend, we love and adore You *U* nchanging God - the Love of our soul *S* urely to the end You are our ever present Friend Tune to *WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS* & *Yesus Sobat Yang Setia*


Today's inspiration: *AMAZING GRACE* *A* ll of my heart, my desire *M* y hope, my dreams, O Lord *A* ll are in Your hands - You are the Potter and I am just the clay *Z* ealously I will follow *I* n all Your ways lead me, Lord *N* othing will I fear for You're by my side *G* od is my Emmanuel *G* od's most amazing grace is Jesus, my Saviour and Lord *R* eally You mean so much and so precious to me *A* lways Your love and Your grace keep and sustain me *C* hrist alone is my hope, He is my all in all *E* nthrone, glorify Him Tune to *Anugrah Terindah*


Today's acrostic: *GOD IS MY STRENGTH* *G* od is my strength, my shield, my strong tower, my hiding place *O* Emmanuel *D* eliver me *I* n times of trials *S* hepherd of love *M* y true Ever-present help *Y* ou are my hope, my all in all *S* oar and mount up with wings as eagles in the sky *T* o walk and *R* un and not weary *E* mpow'r from on high *N* othing's impossible *G* row strong *T* hrough all life's struggles *H* e is the Lord - His Majesty is forever Tune to *Kekuatan Hidupku*

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


This morning's inspiration: *GOD MOVES HIS HANDS* *G* od will work wonders *O* n our knees we pray *D* oes the impossible for our sake *M* ore and beyond *O* ur thoughts *V* erily His hands will act *E* xpect God *S* hall open Heaven's floodgates to bless us *H* e is Lord *I* n all He is *S* overeign *H* e will keep *A* ll of His promises *N* ow and forever *D* o trust and never waver *S* oli Deo Gloria Tune to *Tuhan Menggerakkan TanganNya*

Tuesday, July 09, 2019


Got inspired by the song - *PertolonganMu* sung by Citra Scholastika *GOD'S EVERPRESENT HELP* *G* od is always near *O* ur Emmanuel *D* raw close to Him & *S* eek His face *E* mpow'red from on high *V* ictorious in Christ be *E* l-Shadai & *R* ock of Ages *P* ut your trust in Him *R* est in His promises *E* l Elyon - He's the most high God *S* hall supply all needs *E* l-Roi - He sees me *N* ever too short His hands *T* o save *H* e's our hiding place - preserves from all troubles *E* ver surround me with songs of deliverance *L* et us lift up *P* raises to God Tune to *PertolonganMu* July 10, 2019


*PRAYER CHANGES THINGS* *P* raying without ceasing - as God commands *R* eceive in faith *A* ll that we ask of God *Y* ield and submit to His good, perfect will *E* erything God has promised *R* eally He will do *C* all on the Lord & *H* e will answer us *A* midst our problems *N* ever He'll leave us *G* od is sovereign *E* l-Shadai Almighty *S* olid Rock, strong tower - He is our hiding place *T* he prayer of the righteous *H* as power, effective *I* n His own time, make all things beautiful *N* ow to Him be *G* lory, majesty, dominion *S* oli Deo Gloria forever Tune to *Doa Mengubah Segala Sesuatu*

Thursday, July 04, 2019


*JABEZ PRAYER* *J* abez cried out to the God of Israel: Bless me indeed, Lord *A* nd do enlarge my territory *B* e with me and keep me from harm and keep me from pain *E* mpower me from on high *Z* ealously with *P* assion serving you *R* each out with your love *A* nd grace *Y* ield with trust and obedience *E* nable me, O Lord *R* eceive and answer my prayer Tune to *Doa Yabes*


THE ONE I RELY ON* *T* ruly O Lord, Thou art faithful *H* ow precious we are in Thy sight *E* mmanuel - God is with us *O* n Thee alone *N* ow   *E* ntrusting all our hope *I* n the power of the Holy Spirit *R* est in His promise - He will never fail *E* l-Shadai - our Almighty God - our Jehovah Jireh, our Jehovah Shalom *L* ift our voices and sing Hallelujah *Y* ea and Amen all His Word we can trust *O* bless the Lord indeed, my soul *N* ow let us glorify, exalt His holy Name Tune to *Satu-satunya Yang Kuandalkan*

Tuesday, July 02, 2019


Today's inspiration: *SING HALLELUJAH* *S* ongs of praise I lift *I* n Your court with Your angels *N* ow and forever *G* lorify Your Name *H* ope in the Lord alone *A* ll is well, my soul *L* et us not be anxious about anything *L* et us by prayer give thanks *E* xperience His peace *L* ord, You are my strength, my strong tower *U* ntil the end of my life *J* esus, I will exalt You *A* ll my heart and soul *H* onour and worship my Lord and my King ..... Glorify You Tune to "Ku Nyanyi Hallelujah"


*GOD NEVER FAILS* *G* od knows all more than I do *O* opening doors that are closed in my life *D* o trust He is omniscient and He'll make a way in the wilderness *N* othing is impossible *E* l-Shadai is our God *V* ictorious in Christ *E* very battle we will win *R* ejoice! *F* or God is faithful *A* lways keeps His promise *I* n His Word trust & *L* et us *S* ubmit Tune to *"Tuhan Tak Pernah Gagal"* Tuhan Tak Pernah Gagal Engkau yang lebih tau Cara untuk membuka jalanku Engkau yang lebih mengerti Cara untuk menolong hidupku Reff: Ku percaya Kau Tuhan yang tak pernah gagal Menjadikanku lebih dari pemenang Ku percaya Kau Tuhan yang tak pernah lalai Menepati janji-janji-Mu


*GOD'S HAND AT WORK* *G* od always listens *O* ur cries for help hears *D* oes mighty wonders to *S* ave and help *H* is hand never too short *A* nd His ears never too dull *N* ow windows of Heaven *D* oth open and blessings pour *A* ll is well *T* rust He is El-Shadai *W* orship Him *O* ur Jehovah Jireh *R* est in Christ our Lord - we'll be more than conquerors *K* ing of kings and Lord of lords Tune to *Tuhan Menggerakkan TanganNya* (Angel Pieters & Grezia Epiphania)