Saturday, April 20, 2019


*SEVEN SAYINGS OF JESUS* *S* aid Jesus as He hung on the Cross *E* veryone who put Him to death *V* erily He asked God the Father to forgive *E* xtend to the thief [ *N* ow] His promise: *S* urely you'll be in paradise with me *A* nd to Mary: *Y* our son, behold [indicating John] *I* n anguish He cried out *N* ow why God forsook Him *G* reat darkness *S* urrounds Calvary *O* n death's brink to *F* ulfil the Scripture *J* esus cried out "I am thirsty" *E* nded with: "It's finished" *S* pirit of His commit *U* nto the Father *S* urrender Tune to *Amazing Grace*


*JOKOWI MARUF* *J* ust re-elected for 2nd term *O* ur country and nation lead again *K* eep serving with your whole heart *O* pen and transparent *W* ith wisdom & *I* ntegrity *M* odel the way, a shared vision inspire *A* lways dare to challenge the process *R* ise up! We are One! Bhineka Tunggal Ika *U* nity maintain in diversity *F* or we are Indonesia! Tune to *Ai Pia*


*GOOD FRIDAY* *G* od in Christ died, our sins He bore *O* n the Cross of Calv'ry *O* ur access to God now opened *D* well with Him forever *F* or the Lamb that was slain *R* edeemed us by His blood *I* n our place God's wrath, judgment poured on Him *D* o believe and trust *A* ll our sins washed away *Y* ou are now forgiven, reconciled Tune to *Alas! And Did My Saviour Bleed*