Friday, December 28, 2018


ALPHA OMEGA A ll in all - Christ is preeminent L et all knees bow and all tongues confess: He is Lord P rince of peace, Everlasting Father H is Name's Wonderful Counselor A lmighty God O exalt, lift up on high M ajestic Name of Christ E ver present in our lives, He is Emmanuel G reat I am, from age to age faithful A ll worship Him, the King of kings and Lord of lords Tune to *Majesty*


SING HALLELUJAH *S* eek first the Lord *I* n everything *N* ew songs of *G* rateful praises sing *H* e is our *A* ll in all *L* ord of lords *L* amb of God *E* mmanuel - God is with us *L* ight of the world and Bread of life *U* nder heaven no other name *J* esus Christ our Saviour *A* t the Cross of Calvary *H* e died to save us from our sins Tune to *Sing Hallelujah*


*GOD IS LOVE* *G* od is love *O* ffrered Himself for us *D* ied on the Cross *I* n Golgotha *S* inless slain Lamb of God *L* ifts the veil *O* pens wide *V* ictory & *E* ternal life gained tune to *Amazing GRACE* answer to Johanes Kurniady's question: "Tuhan Agamanya apa?"

Thursday, December 27, 2018


O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL O come & C elebrate O ur Savior's birth today M ake room for Him E mmanuel - God with us A ll sing  L et us praise  L ift up Y our voices E xult F or Christ alone is worthy A ll bow I n adoration T hrough  H im F or Him U nto Him L et's glorify Tune to *O Come All Ye Faithful*

Saturday, December 22, 2018


*JOYFUL IN HOPE* *J* oyful, joyful *O* ur Saviour's born *Y* our salvation is assured *F* or *U* nto us Christ is given *L* et us with grateful hymns sing *I* n all the world *N* ow Hallelujah chorus ring *H* e is Wonderful, Counselor *O* ur Everlasting Father *P* rince of Peace and mighty God, the Lamb that was slain *E* mmanuel, God is with us - Soli Deo Gloria Tune to *Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee* Edward Chen's Theme for Ramayana Christmas celebration


*MERRY CHRISTMAS* *M* essiah has come to earth *E* xult & *R* ejoice in Him *R* eceive Him *Y* our Saviour & Lord *C* hrist the Son of God is born *H* is Name is called Wonderful *R* ighteous Prince of Peace *I* s He *S* eek the lost to save from sin *T* he gospel of grace and love share *M* ajesty, glory to Christ *A* llelujah *S* ing our praise Tune to *"Hark the Herald Angels Sing"* December 2018

Wednesday, December 19, 2018


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JINGLE BELLS J ust have a great time I n beautiful places N ow relax G et lots of fun L et time fly E njoy! B e happy with loved ones E xperience God's grace L ove and peace L et's celebrate S ing Merry Christmas Tune to "Jingle Bells" song 20 Dec. 2018 Hok Tjiat's FB

Saturday, December 15, 2018


EDO GRACIA E njoy the wife of your youth God has given D well in unity in the bond of His love O n the Lord hope and trust nothing can ever separate you G ive thanks in everything and rejoice always *R est in His promise, for He is always faithful A ll your needs He will supply and provide C hrist - Head of our home I n His grace and love He will never forsake us A ll to Him be Soli Deo Gloria Tune to *Ku Mau Cinta Yesus* Temen Hong Kartur Susan & Agus


*GRAND HYATT* *G* rowing in Care for people - that matters most *R* aise them up to be the best they can be *A* s a family we care for each other *N* ow strong communities *D* o let us build *H* ave Respect, Integrity, Humility, *Y* our empathy, creativity show *A* "culture of everyone matters" build *T* o deliver distinctive experience [ *T* o our guests] Tune to *You Raise Me Up*