Saturday, October 28, 2017


*CONNECTED TO BLESS* *C* onnect, Invite and Share Christ *O* ur world reached by His grace *N* ow high-performance church grow *N* ew heights of glory see *E* ffective, Valued cit'zens C ommit to *T* ransform our world *E* nds of the earth let us make *D* isciples of [all] nations *T* rain leaders to be equipped *O* ur Lord's Kingdom establish *B* less our nation *L* ove *E* xpress *S* how His mercy *S* erve Him Tune to *I Love to Tell the Story* Oct.25, 2017 Surabaya


*HANNA AMALIA* *H* ow wonderful and fearfully You've made me *A* ll my inward parts You skillfully wrought *N* othing hidden, how marvelous is Your work *N* ow I give thanks - how precious *A* re your thoughts *A* ll to Thee, Lord *M* y utmost for Your highest *A* bide in Christ and bear much fruit *L* et's seek first His kingdom and righteousness *I* n His might *A* ll is possible Tune to *How Great Thou Art* Oct 26, 2017 Haggai AG 2017 Surabaya


*PONDOK KASIH* P eace of God O ur world transform for good N ow arise, let His light shine D rive darkness with His love O nly Jesus can save K now God is sovereign, He's able K eep on fire A s His light and salt S piritual, social, relational I ntegrated and holistic, sustainable H is Name lifted, glorified Tune to *Amazing Grace* Bu Hanna Amalia Haggai Alumni Gathering Oct 25, 2017

HAGGAI INSTITUTE ( Acrostic) theme song

*HAGGAI INSTITUTE* *H* ave this vision to evangelize all *A* t Haggai Institute *G* row, train leaders - advancing skills *G* ospel of Christ to all men take *A* ll cultures and people let us reach *I* n the pow'r of the Holy Ghost *I* n all lands throughleadership transform *N* ow let's purpose and pursue ]2x *S* hare, proclaim Jesus crucified *'T*is our task to accomplish *I* t's what God requires of us *T* o bring men from darkness to light *U* nto Christ the lost from sin turn *T* o live for Christ *E* mpow'red to live Tune to theme song of *"Haggai Institute Indonesia"* 25 Oct 2017 Haggai Institute Alumni Gathering Surabaya


*SPECTACULAR* *S* pirit of God empowering from on high *P* ersistently striving for excellence *E* nthusiasm inspiring with great passion *C* reative genius in each one unleash *T* he Lord has gifted all *A* ccept with grace *C* hoose to obey His perfect will *U* tmost for His highest *L* et us pursue *A* s light and salt *R* eflect His love Tune to *How Great Thou Art* 27 Oct 2017 Haggai Institute Alumni Gathering Surabaya