G od is my Keeper & my good Shepherd
O 'er me He watches with love
D ay and night
M ay His presence & His mighty power
Y our strength be in time of need
K neeling in prayer
E l-Shadai always listens
E ver faithful & anwers our every cry
P romises keep - never does He disappoint
E xpress & give thanks
R ock of Ages your strong tow'r
Tune to "Tuhan yg Menjagaku"
G od is my Keeper & my good Shepherd
O 'er me He watches with love
D ay and night
M ay His presence & His mighty power
Y our strength be in time of need
K neeling in prayer
E l-Shadai always listens
E ver faithful & anwers our every cry
P romises keep - never does He disappoint
E xpress & give thanks
R ock of Ages your strong tow'r
Tune to "Tuhan yg Menjagaku"