May the victory of Easter be a cause of triumphant celebration...
Wishing you a blessed
H E is risen! Forever live!
A llelujah!
P ower of God triumphant
P enalty of sin removed - Peace restored
Y ou are more than conquerors
E aster victory won!
A ll dominion Christ's
S ing His praises
T o Him be the glory
E xalt Him
R ender unto Him majesty
Sing to "Christ the Lord is Risen"
Wishing you a blessed
H E is risen! Forever live!
A llelujah!
P ower of God triumphant
P enalty of sin removed - Peace restored
Y ou are more than conquerors
E aster victory won!
A ll dominion Christ's
S ing His praises
T o Him be the glory
E xalt Him
R ender unto Him majesty
Sing to "Christ the Lord is Risen"