Thursday, January 31, 2013



M ay God
R eally bless you

M entor others to shine
O f His love let us witness
M indset transformed like Christ's

Sing to "Happy Birthday"

Heru Kumarga's new nickname



M ission - God's overarching purpose on earth
I n partnership with Him
S aving the lost souls
S eek His Kingdom
I n the world be established
O ur witness
N ow
A s salt &
L ight reflect Christ!

E xperience ABUNDANCE
T he CREATION of God
R estored to fulness
E stablish God's throne on earth
P urpose of God
R evive the SPIRITUAL through Jesus our Lord
*E ngaged to business as mission
N ow our calling
E xalt Christ, God-centered &  Bible-driven
U nderstanding the times & cultures we're in
R edeeming lost souls for the glory of God

Tune to "To God Be the Glory"

From book by Mark L. Russel
Gift from Jayne Jaderholm
Mats Tunehag research assistant for BAM_ThinkTank

Friday, January 25, 2013



J ust walk humbly
A s the Lord requires
Y ielded to Him -
N ow do justly, love mercy
E xpressing Christ

J oyfully rejoice!
A sk, Seek, Knock
D o let's pray without ceasing!
E ver more let us give thanks in everything
R eally Love is kind, patient
H opes all thing & bears all things
O h envies not, is not puffed up
L ove never fails
M ore like Christ let's be!

Tune to "And Can It Be"

Wednesday, January 02, 2013


IN OMNIBUS CARITAS I n God's grace N ow let us express: O ur love to all those around us M ore like Christ - be patient & kind N ot rude nor proud I n humility be *B e forgiving U nto each other forbearing S how: C ompassion A nd gentleness R eaIly put on charity I ndeed T he bond of perfection A Unity create S oli Deo Gloria - praise Him! Tune to "Kasih Pasti Lemah Lembut" Colossians 3:14 Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT


Let us focus on 3 P's (by Warren Wiersbe) this year: PRAYER - PRAISE - PROMISES P ray without ceasing, seek the Lord R est in His Word for He is faithful A ll to Him entrust & fret not Y es! By prayer with thanksgiving let known E xpect His peace that is beyond understanding shall keep our hearts & minds in Jesus Christ, our Lord R ejoice! The God of peace be with you Tune to "Sweet Hour Of Prayer" ________________________________ P raise the Lord for He is so good R aise our songs A s act of worship I n everything give thanks S houts of joy let's lift up E xalt the Lord! Glorify Him! Tune to "Sing Hallelujah to the Lord" ________________________________ P ut your trust in the Lord for He'll keep His Word R est in His promises for He'll never fail O vercoming by our faith M oving mountains I n Jesus Christ "Yea" & "Amen" be.. S urely His Word will accomplish His purpose & it will prosper E mpty not will it return to God S tand On His Word! Tune to "Standing On the Promises of God" Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT