Monday, September 17, 2012


YOU RAISE ME UP Y es! We can! O h believe all is possible U nto us His Spirit power endowed R est in Christ A lways trust I n Him rejoice S hepherd of love E mmanuel - God with us M ore of His grace - 'tis sufficient for our lives E xpect with God nothing's impossible U tmost best for His highest we commit P urpose-driven His Kingdom establish! Sing to "YOU RAISE ME UP" tune

Saturday, September 15, 2012


IBNU HADI = I mpossible is nothing! Just do it! B elieve Together Each One Achieves More (TEAM) N ever quit! Let us all strive for excellence! U nstoppable! Nothing's impossible! H ope inspire - a better world let's create! A transformation & an impact make! D are to be different & make a difference I gnite the Spirit of Indonesia! Sing to "You Raise Me Up" tune (by Josh Groban)

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Kawtar Assila

Kawtar Assila ================== President at MENA XLDS 2012 in Morocco Studied at IIHEM Lives in Rabat, Morocco From Rabat, Morocco


IC RUSSIA I nspire PEACE, HUMANKIND POTENTIAL Fulfilment C reate the change & impact society R ise up! Activating leadership 'round us U nite to Demonstrate integrity *S eek Living diversity in harmony S triving for excellence in all we do I nvolved get - Enjoying participation A cting sustainably - better world make! Sing to "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban

Monday, September 03, 2012


MANANA PAPIASHVILI M ake more possible A im for the best in life! N ever give up! A lways face the challenge N othing's impossible A ct with confidence P urpose-driven A chieve with commitment! *P ursue excellence I gnite with great passion A s a leader - S hared vision inspire H ave integrity V alues keep, uphold I n our world L et us transform & I mpact! Manana Papiashvili OC President IC2012 Russia Pak, yg ini kedobelan "U nleash your potential" - jadi saya ganti U ltimate goal achieve - R each for the star!


PAULUS MANUTURI P urpose-driven A im to do the best in life! U nstoppable! L et's pursue excellence! U nleash your potential - S uccess you'll attain M ake more possible A lways N ever quit! *U se every experience as learning & growth T ruly enjoy all moments in our lives U ltimate goal achieve R each for the star! I nspire with positive attitude Sing to "You Raise Me Up" Paulus Manuturi Sigalingging Ex LCP UI 2011-2012 AIESEC Indonesia