Saturday, July 23, 2011



R ings of love binding - two become one flesh sealed
E verlasting Covenant in God let’s keep
N o longer two - for what God has joined, let man not separate
D eeper in love growing
Y es! With each other!

S haring and giving
I n love mutually caring
L iving in peace and harmony always
V anquish all your fears
I n faith walk your life's journey
A mazing grace of the Lord is sufficient

Tune to "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"

Anak The Yauw Ngie (Yanico Raya)

Friday, July 15, 2011

SIP NIM in acrostics

Happy Birthday SIP NIM (

S trive for true excellence
I mprove continuously
P urpose-driven

N ever quit
I mpact!
M ake a difference

Sing to "Happy Birthday" tune