H ope in Christ alone - True Saviour
E verlasting life gain
L amb of God on the Cross slain
L et us believe and receive Him
I n Christ death has been conquered
S eek Him while He may be found
R est in His Word - hell is real
E ach one accountable
A ll will be judged by the Lord - on the White Throne Judgment Day
L et us repent and turn to Him - He's the Way, Truth and Life
"I Love to Tell the Story" tune
May 15, 2011
Sermon topic @GKT Semarang
By Febriani Mariani
Lecturer @Alethea Seminary
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
DESI ANWAR in acrostics
D are to be different and make a real difference
E xcellence pursuing with all our heart
S oar high as the eagle in mjestic flight
I mprove continuously and innovate
A im for the Star
N ever quit! Be persistent!
W ith winning attitude conquer the world
A ct in faith! Believe all is possible
R each for the goal and make our dreams come true!
Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up"
D are to be different and make a real difference
E xcellence pursuing with all our heart
S oar high as the eagle in mjestic flight
I mprove continuously and innovate
A im for the Star
N ever quit! Be persistent!
W ith winning attitude conquer the world
A ct in faith! Believe all is possible
R each for the goal and make our dreams come true!
Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up"
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
LIM TAT in acrostics
L et me give my utmost for His highest
I n His Spirit great &
M ighty things do
T urn people to the Lord with His love
A ll in all - Christ
T he Lord - my King of kings!
Tuned to the hymn "Be Thou My Vision
L et me give my utmost for His highest
I n His Spirit great &
M ighty things do
T urn people to the Lord with His love
A ll in all - Christ
T he Lord - my King of kings!
Tuned to the hymn "Be Thou My Vision
Sunday, May 01, 2011
WILLIAM-KATE in acrostics
W ith this Vow
I now thee wed, my precious love
L et's share together
L ife's good and bad times
I n sickness, in health, for better or for worse
A ccept each other &
M ake room to grow
K eep the covenant - two become one in flesh
A lways cherish, honour one another
T rust, kindness and unselfishness display
E ternal - like our ring - our love shall be
Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" (by Josh Groban)
W ith this Vow
I now thee wed, my precious love
L et's share together
L ife's good and bad times
I n sickness, in health, for better or for worse
A ccept each other &
M ake room to grow
K eep the covenant - two become one in flesh
A lways cherish, honour one another
T rust, kindness and unselfishness display
E ternal - like our ring - our love shall be
Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" (by Josh Groban)
VERONICA MS in acrostics
V ision of a better a world let us inspire
E mpower to be the best they can be
R each for your goal with strong determination
O vercome challenges with persitence
N ever give up for The best is yet to be
I mprove continuously with consistence
C ommit to excellence & nothing less
A ll is possible - with faith Just do it
Tune to "You Raise Me Up" (Josh Groban)
Head of Askes Sultan Agung, Semarang
V ision of a better a world let us inspire
E mpower to be the best they can be
R each for your goal with strong determination
O vercome challenges with persitence
N ever give up for The best is yet to be
I mprove continuously with consistence
C ommit to excellence & nothing less
A ll is possible - with faith Just do it
Tune to "You Raise Me Up" (Josh Groban)
Head of Askes Sultan Agung, Semarang
I CARE in acrostics
INTEGRITY - Always doing the right thing
COLLABORATION - working together
EXCELLENCE - do the very best you can!
Tune to refrain of "You Raise Me Up"
Pan In Bank's Values
INTEGRITY - Always doing the right thing
COLLABORATION - working together
EXCELLENCE - do the very best you can!
Tune to refrain of "You Raise Me Up"
Pan In Bank's Values
G ive your best in all you do
A im for the Star -
R each for the heights!
U nstoppable! Just go on
D are to make a real difference in life!
A new vision
I nspire with passion
N ever quit!
D o it!
O ur all let's give!
N ever fear!
E mpower!
S ynergize for teamwork
I mprove continuously
A chieve the Goal! Success!
Tune to "Garuda Pancasila"
From request by Santog-San to use GARUDA acronym to send to Garuda Indonesia
G ive your best in all you do
A im for the Star -
R each for the heights!
U nstoppable! Just go on
D are to make a real difference in life!
A new vision
I nspire with passion
N ever quit!
D o it!
O ur all let's give!
N ever fear!
E mpower!
S ynergize for teamwork
I mprove continuously
A chieve the Goal! Success!
Tune to "Garuda Pancasila"
From request by Santog-San to use GARUDA acronym to send to Garuda Indonesia
CHIEF in acrostics
C hrist-likeness - daily our lives reflect
H umbly serving with all our hearts
I n His grace & love grow
E mpow'red by His Spirit
F ull of wisdom through His Word
Tune to "Amazing Grace"
On Hendra Julius being appointed as next Camp PIC
April 30, 2011
C hrist-likeness - daily our lives reflect
H umbly serving with all our hearts
I n His grace & love grow
E mpow'red by His Spirit
F ull of wisdom through His Word
Tune to "Amazing Grace"
On Hendra Julius being appointed as next Camp PIC
April 30, 2011
CHIEF in acrostics
C hrist-likeness - daily our lives reflect
H umbly serving with all our hearts
I n His grace & love grow
E mpow'red by His Spirit
F ull of wisdom through His Word
Tune to "Amazing Grace"
On Hendra Julius being appointed as next Camp PIC
April 30, 2011
C hrist-likeness - daily our lives reflect
H umbly serving with all our hearts
I n His grace & love grow
E mpow'red by His Spirit
F ull of wisdom through His Word
Tune to "Amazing Grace"
On Hendra Julius being appointed as next Camp PIC
April 30, 2011
CHIEF in acrostics
C hrist-likeness - daily our lives reflect
H umbly serving with all our hearts
I n His grace & love grow
E mpow'red by His Spirit
F ull of wisdom through His Word
Tune to "Amazing Grace"
On Hendra Julius being appointed as next Camp PIC
April 30, 2011
C hrist-likeness - daily our lives reflect
H umbly serving with all our hearts
I n His grace & love grow
E mpow'red by His Spirit
F ull of wisdom through His Word
Tune to "Amazing Grace"
On Hendra Julius being appointed as next Camp PIC
April 30, 2011
GOOD_NEWS in acrostics
G ospel of Christ to the world spread
O ur Saviour's Good News proclaim
O h no more condemnation, freed from our sin's bondage
D well in Christ, Spirit-empow'red - more than Conquerors be
N ow joy of Salvation have & hope in Christ alone
*E verlasting life He gives, joint-heirs with Christ He makes us
W itness to the ends of the earth
S peak of His love and grace
"I love to Tell the Story" tune
From Yusuf Gunawan's Sermon May 1, 2011
"Why The Gospel is the Good_News"
G ospel of Christ to the world spread
O ur Saviour's Good News proclaim
O h no more condemnation, freed from our sin's bondage
D well in Christ, Spirit-empow'red - more than Conquerors be
N ow joy of Salvation have & hope in Christ alone
*E verlasting life He gives, joint-heirs with Christ He makes us
W itness to the ends of the earth
S peak of His love and grace
"I love to Tell the Story" tune
From Yusuf Gunawan's Sermon May 1, 2011
"Why The Gospel is the Good_News"
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