A im for the Star - excel
L et nothing hinder you
I mproving continuously
N ever quit nor give up!
Sing to the tune of "Happy Birthday"
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

P urpose-driven
U nleash other's potential
R esult-focused
P ursuing excellence
L ive, love & learn - leaving a legacy
E mpowering to make a real difference!
R each for the goal - be persistent, consistent!
O vercoming barriers and challenges
S pirit of Kaizen ignite & inspire
E ncourage the heart& make a difference!
"U Raise Me Up"
B elieve nothing's impossible with God
I n faith we trust
G od is able!
G reat is the Lord
O ur Shield, Rock of Ages
D well in His shadow - safe we'll be!
Tune to "How Great Thou Art" refrain
B elieve nothing's impossible with God
I n faith we trust
G od is able!
G reat is the Lord
O ur Shield, Rock of Ages
D well in His shadow - safe we'll be!
Tune to "How Great Thou Art" refrain
Friday, January 07, 2011
F ly high like the Eagle majestic above
R ide on its wings and new horizons see
E nthralled by the heavenly view and splendor
E nergized by the dream that inspires
T urning the dream to become reality
O vercoming obstacles in the way
S triving and pressing
O n to Excellence
A iming to
R each and be the STAR that shines
Tune to “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban
F ly high like the Eagle majestic above
R ide on its wings and new horizons see
E nthralled by the heavenly view and splendor
E nergized by the dream that inspires
T urning the dream to become reality
O vercoming obstacles in the way
S triving and pressing
O n to Excellence
A iming to
R each and be the STAR that shines
Tune to “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban
Thursday, January 06, 2011
As we begin the Year 2011, let's have a good NEW START =
N ow let's look ahead with faith & confidence
E xpect with God nothing's impossible
W inning attitude let's ignite & inspire
S uccess will follow - believe that We Can!
*T rust is the foundation that we must build on
A im for the Star - the best is yet to be!
R ise & soar as the eagle majestic
T eamwork & synergy build to achieve!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
N ow let's look ahead with faith & confidence
E xpect with God nothing's impossible
W inning attitude let's ignite & inspire
S uccess will follow - believe that We Can!
*T rust is the foundation that we must build on
A im for the Star - the best is yet to be!
R ise & soar as the eagle majestic
T eamwork & synergy build to achieve!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
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