Psalm 96
S ing a new song to the Lord, praise!
I n all the earth O bless His Name
N ow proclaim the Good News of His salvation
G lory and His wonders declare
A mong the nations, all peoples
N ow
E xalt the Lord
W ith our songs
S trength, beauty, majesty
O h honor before Him
N ow
G Ive the glory due His name!
Tune to "Sing Hallelujah to the Lord"
Monday, December 27, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
HAPPY BIRTHDAY in acrostics
H appy Birthday! I wish you my special friend
A rich blessing that flows and never stops
P eace, Love, Joy and Hope - may your life be filled
P urpose-driven to obey
Y ield to Him!
B elieve the impossible
I s possible
R each up
T o fly, soar
H igh like the Eagle
D are to be different &
A difference make
Y es, We CAN! - in God's strength we're enabled
Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up"
H appy Birthday! I wish you my special friend
A rich blessing that flows and never stops
P eace, Love, Joy and Hope - may your life be filled
P urpose-driven to obey
Y ield to Him!
B elieve the impossible
I s possible
R each up
T o fly, soar
H igh like the Eagle
D are to be different &
A difference make
Y es, We CAN! - in God's strength we're enabled
Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up"
HAPPY NEW YEAR in acrostic
HAPPY NEW YEAR (an acrostic in song):
H E's the Lord -
A lpha Omega
P lans our good
P rovides the best
Y ea & Amen His Word
N e'er fear!
E l-Shadai our Rock & Shield
W alk with Him in faith
Y ield to His will & obey!
E nter the New Year with courage
A lways give thanks &
R ejoice!
Sing to "Joyful, Joyful" tune
H E's the Lord -
A lpha Omega
P lans our good
P rovides the best
Y ea & Amen His Word
N e'er fear!
E l-Shadai our Rock & Shield
W alk with Him in faith
Y ield to His will & obey!
E nter the New Year with courage
A lways give thanks &
R ejoice!
Sing to "Joyful, Joyful" tune
2011 = TWO ZERO ELEVEN in acrostics
Tahun 2010 segera berakhir dan kita akan memasuki tahun 2011. Kiranya kita M(y) A(y) N(y) T(y) A(y) P(y) .
( ((
___\ `-\
(____))( \----
(____))_ M A N T A P!!
menghadapinya dgn TWO ZERO ELEVEN =
T he Lord reigns
W ith love and justice
O ur future is in His hands
Z ealously seek His Kingdom
E mpowered by His Spirit
R ejoice!
O h
E xalt His Name
L ift your voice
E vermore praise!
V ision of God now inspire
E nter the New Year with courage
N ever fear what lies ahead - Immanuel God is with us!
Tune to "Hark the Herald Angels Sing-"
( ((
___\ `-\
(____))( \----
(____))_ M A N T A P!!
menghadapinya dgn TWO ZERO ELEVEN =
T he Lord reigns
W ith love and justice
O ur future is in His hands
Z ealously seek His Kingdom
E mpowered by His Spirit
R ejoice!
O h
E xalt His Name
L ift your voice
E vermore praise!
V ision of God now inspire
E nter the New Year with courage
N ever fear what lies ahead - Immanuel God is with us!
Tune to "Hark the Herald Angels Sing-"
CHRISTMAS in acrostics
Have a Joyous & Merry CHRISTMAS =
C hrist is born! - the Hope of the world
H allelujah! Praise the Lord!
R eceive Him - eternal life have
I n Christ alone salvation
S hare with joy
T he greatest love story ever told
M ay the Christ of "Christ-mas" reminds
A s Reason for the
S eason!
Tune to "Joyful, Joyful"
May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope;
The spirit of Christmas which is peace;
The heart of Christmas which is love.
~Ada V. Hendricks
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The Last Christmas “Gift”
Tags: advertisingbrandingcrmcustomer experiencelead managementmarketingsales
comments Posted December 23, 2010 by Paul Castain 0 Share
Tucked away in a safe place within the walls of my heart, is a vision of my Father, Christmas Eve some 23 years ago. I can vividly see the look upon his face because it was a look that transcended all expression. It was beyond gratitude or joy and it was as if he were recording our faces, our voices and acts to be filed deep within his soul. It was as if he had something to say, but couldn’t express it. I didn’t know what it was but I felt it to be profound and deep!
It was that Christmas that I learned something that I have since referred to as “The Gift”!
12 days later a family meeting was called by my Father and he obviously had something on his mind. With a heavy heart he shared with us that before he was released from the hospital ( a few days before Christmas) he was told that the cancer had spread and he was given 3 months to live. He explained to us that he didn’t want to ruin our holiday and wanted to give us the 12 days of Christmas.
That day a light bulb went off for me as I realized that on Christmas Eve, my Father was drinking it all in for the last time. Less than 3 months later, my Father passed away.
So let me ask the question for you . . . where’s “The Gift” in that? There are in fact many if you would do me the honor of reading on.
The first is a constant reminder that if my Dad could keep himself from wearing devastating news on his sleeve, perhaps I can keep whatever BS I’m going through off of mine! And let’s not to pretend that we don’t all have a little of that BS via the boss, the A-Hole who just stole the parking spot, the kids, the wife, the bills and for the “Bah Humbug” crowd . . . the season!
Whenever I’m guilty of wearing those things on my sleeve, perhaps I’m also guilty of getting in the way of someone else’s joy. Something for us all to think about next time we care to offer someone an invite to our pity party. Might be a “gift” in understanding that one!
The other “gift” is savoring the moment, involving all of your senses and living the holiday (and dare I say, our lives) as if this will be the last one. Someday we’ll be right!
I believe there is also a “gift” in catching yourself enjoying that moment. Don’t they call it the “present” for a reason? Personally, I think it sucks when we are enjoying a moment solely in retrospect! I triple dog dare you to catch yourself in the act of enjoying your life!
Gratitude is yet another gift that I have taken away from that event. Gratitude that I saw the moment when my Dad was savoring his last Christmas. In that moment, I was able to share something very profound . . . a moment when someone who had come to the end of their journey was counting their blessings!
Additional “gifts” come from that knowledge too. All of us have an expiration date. If you knew you were on your final 3 months, would you be filled with regret or gratitude? Perhaps there’s even another “gift” in starting, right now in positioning ourselves for a “regret free” life!
There’s still more, I promise!
If we can’t embrace gratitude, how about refusing to allow resentment to enter our lives? You know, not even once during my Dad’s final days did I get a vibe of bitterness that his life would be cut short at 65. Instead of anger that Christmas, Dad was thankful.
“The Gift” is also an opportunity for us to become selfishly selfless. It means finding a need, thinking beyond ourselves and giving unconditionally. How?
Giving of encouragement. Never, ever underestimate the power of giving someone the ability to take another round!
Giving of our time, our patience and our genuine interest!
Giving of our prayers . . . who doesn’t need a little spiritual good press?
The “gift” of forgiveness as well as the “gift” to remove our egos long enough to ask someone else to forgive us!
And in true “Charity begins at home” fashion . . . how about the gift of forgiving yourself for your shortcomings?
The final “gift” is the ability to take our own sad stories, challenges and speed bumps and somehow take a lesson from them. In that moment, you may have something that becomes “a gift that keeps giving”!
With that, I want to thank you all for my “gift” . . . the opportunity to share something personal and profound. I share it with the hope that it will breed numerous gifts for you!
Please take a moment to savor and celebrate the many gifts that surround you! They are there my friend . . . sometimes we just have to look harder!
Oh, and before I forget . . . Dad, thank you for “the gift”!
Wishing you and your family blessings of peace, joy and more “gifts” than could ever fit underneath your tree!
Happy Holidays from a humbled and grateful
Paul Castain
C hrist is born! - the Hope of the world
H allelujah! Praise the Lord!
R eceive Him - eternal life have
I n Christ alone salvation
S hare with joy
T he greatest love story ever told
M ay the Christ of "Christ-mas" reminds
A s Reason for the
S eason!
Tune to "Joyful, Joyful"
May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope;
The spirit of Christmas which is peace;
The heart of Christmas which is love.
~Ada V. Hendricks
Post on this site
About Us & Contact
The Last Christmas “Gift”
Tags: advertisingbrandingcrmcustomer experiencelead managementmarketingsales
comments Posted December 23, 2010 by Paul Castain 0 Share
Tucked away in a safe place within the walls of my heart, is a vision of my Father, Christmas Eve some 23 years ago. I can vividly see the look upon his face because it was a look that transcended all expression. It was beyond gratitude or joy and it was as if he were recording our faces, our voices and acts to be filed deep within his soul. It was as if he had something to say, but couldn’t express it. I didn’t know what it was but I felt it to be profound and deep!
It was that Christmas that I learned something that I have since referred to as “The Gift”!
12 days later a family meeting was called by my Father and he obviously had something on his mind. With a heavy heart he shared with us that before he was released from the hospital ( a few days before Christmas) he was told that the cancer had spread and he was given 3 months to live. He explained to us that he didn’t want to ruin our holiday and wanted to give us the 12 days of Christmas.
That day a light bulb went off for me as I realized that on Christmas Eve, my Father was drinking it all in for the last time. Less than 3 months later, my Father passed away.
So let me ask the question for you . . . where’s “The Gift” in that? There are in fact many if you would do me the honor of reading on.
The first is a constant reminder that if my Dad could keep himself from wearing devastating news on his sleeve, perhaps I can keep whatever BS I’m going through off of mine! And let’s not to pretend that we don’t all have a little of that BS via the boss, the A-Hole who just stole the parking spot, the kids, the wife, the bills and for the “Bah Humbug” crowd . . . the season!
Whenever I’m guilty of wearing those things on my sleeve, perhaps I’m also guilty of getting in the way of someone else’s joy. Something for us all to think about next time we care to offer someone an invite to our pity party. Might be a “gift” in understanding that one!
The other “gift” is savoring the moment, involving all of your senses and living the holiday (and dare I say, our lives) as if this will be the last one. Someday we’ll be right!
I believe there is also a “gift” in catching yourself enjoying that moment. Don’t they call it the “present” for a reason? Personally, I think it sucks when we are enjoying a moment solely in retrospect! I triple dog dare you to catch yourself in the act of enjoying your life!
Gratitude is yet another gift that I have taken away from that event. Gratitude that I saw the moment when my Dad was savoring his last Christmas. In that moment, I was able to share something very profound . . . a moment when someone who had come to the end of their journey was counting their blessings!
Additional “gifts” come from that knowledge too. All of us have an expiration date. If you knew you were on your final 3 months, would you be filled with regret or gratitude? Perhaps there’s even another “gift” in starting, right now in positioning ourselves for a “regret free” life!
There’s still more, I promise!
If we can’t embrace gratitude, how about refusing to allow resentment to enter our lives? You know, not even once during my Dad’s final days did I get a vibe of bitterness that his life would be cut short at 65. Instead of anger that Christmas, Dad was thankful.
“The Gift” is also an opportunity for us to become selfishly selfless. It means finding a need, thinking beyond ourselves and giving unconditionally. How?
Giving of encouragement. Never, ever underestimate the power of giving someone the ability to take another round!
Giving of our time, our patience and our genuine interest!
Giving of our prayers . . . who doesn’t need a little spiritual good press?
The “gift” of forgiveness as well as the “gift” to remove our egos long enough to ask someone else to forgive us!
And in true “Charity begins at home” fashion . . . how about the gift of forgiving yourself for your shortcomings?
The final “gift” is the ability to take our own sad stories, challenges and speed bumps and somehow take a lesson from them. In that moment, you may have something that becomes “a gift that keeps giving”!
With that, I want to thank you all for my “gift” . . . the opportunity to share something personal and profound. I share it with the hope that it will breed numerous gifts for you!
Please take a moment to savor and celebrate the many gifts that surround you! They are there my friend . . . sometimes we just have to look harder!
Oh, and before I forget . . . Dad, thank you for “the gift”!
Wishing you and your family blessings of peace, joy and more “gifts” than could ever fit underneath your tree!
Happy Holidays from a humbled and grateful
Paul Castain
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Jesus - Reason for hte Season
J oy to the world
E xalt and praise
S aviour -
U nto us born!
S hout &
R ejoice
E vermore!
A mazing love
S howed to mankind!
O ur sins
N ow washed away
F reed from
O ur cruel bondage!
R eceive Him
T he Lord
H e is
E mmanuel!
S hepherds gathered round the manger
E ach one bows down, worships!
A llelujah Chorus echoes
S ing with the heavenly angels
O h how amazing His grace - Redeeming us sinners
N ew life eternal to those who believe - give!
Tune to "Joy to the World"
J oy to the world
E xalt and praise
S aviour -
U nto us born!
S hout &
R ejoice
E vermore!
A mazing love
S howed to mankind!
O ur sins
N ow washed away
F reed from
O ur cruel bondage!
R eceive Him
T he Lord
H e is
E mmanuel!
S hepherds gathered round the manger
E ach one bows down, worships!
A llelujah Chorus echoes
S ing with the heavenly angels
O h how amazing His grace - Redeeming us sinners
N ew life eternal to those who believe - give!
Tune to "Joy to the World"
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