Allah mengetahui setiap jalan berkelok yang kulalui
Dan setiap kesedihan, rasa sakit, dan kepedihan;
Dia takkan mengabaikan anak-anak-Nya—
Dia mengenal dan mengasihi milik-Nya. —Bosch
A llah tahu s'tiap jalan yg berkelok
L ewati kesedihan, kepedihan
L awatan Allah pasti
A nugrahNya b'ri kekuatan
H araplah kepadaNya - Dia El-Shadai
T etap setia & takkan mengabaikan
A llah mengenal, mengasihiku
H apus kuatirku, Gembalaku yang baik
U caplah syukur dalam segala hal
"Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"
Saturday, July 17, 2010
GOD OUR ROCK - FORTRESS in acrostics
G od El-Shadai
O ur refuge
D elivers & saves us
O ur Rock & Fortress - our hope
U nder His arms we're safe
R ely on Him
R est in faith
O ur confidence since our youth
C ome & declare His splendour
K eep praising Him all day
F or though we are old & grey
O ur Lord will not forsake
R ighteous deeds of God proclaim
T o the next gen'ration!
R eally increase our honour
E xpect His comfort once more
S ing & praise Him with the harp
S hout for joy, His redeemed!
Sing to "Stand Up 2x for Jesus"
Based on Psalm 71
G od El-Shadai
O ur refuge
D elivers & saves us
O ur Rock & Fortress - our hope
U nder His arms we're safe
R ely on Him
R est in faith
O ur confidence since our youth
C ome & declare His splendour
K eep praising Him all day
F or though we are old & grey
O ur Lord will not forsake
R ighteous deeds of God proclaim
T o the next gen'ration!
R eally increase our honour
E xpect His comfort once more
S ing & praise Him with the harp
S hout for joy, His redeemed!
Sing to "Stand Up 2x for Jesus"
Based on Psalm 71
INDAH TJAHJONO in acrostics
I n His hand
N ever fear
D aily walk in faith
A s He guides
H e will never forsake -
T rust!
J ust believe
A ll for our good!
H is love,
J oy & grace
O h
N ow
O ur life fill!
Sing to "In His Time"
I n His hand
N ever fear
D aily walk in faith
A s He guides
H e will never forsake -
T rust!
J ust believe
A ll for our good!
H is love,
J oy & grace
O h
N ow
O ur life fill!
Sing to "In His Time"
GRATITUDE in acrostics
G ive thanks for His provision
R ejoice!
A ll for us He'll give
T rust & believe He's Jehovah Jireh!
*I n His sufficient grace He sustains
T o be more than conquerors
U nto Him
D o let us glorify!
E xalt!
Sing to "Give Thanks"
G ive thanks for His provision
R ejoice!
A ll for us He'll give
T rust & believe He's Jehovah Jireh!
*I n His sufficient grace He sustains
T o be more than conquerors
U nto Him
D o let us glorify!
E xalt!
Sing to "Give Thanks"
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
C ommit to put our marriage into
Y our hands,
N ow please bless us on
T his holy moment
H ave Your guidance
I n our new beginnings
A lways to love each other purely - teach
P urposing to be faithful with each new day
A s we draw close to You, closer we'll be
S o we can laugh, weep & pray together
C hoose to trust
A nd believe
L ove is of God!
Sing to "You Raise Me Up"
C ommit to:
Y our design of two become one
N ow
T wo people & two hearts
H elp to unite
I n our covenant: One promise, One love - to the end we'll keep
A s we draw closer to You & each other
P lease guide us, O Lord
A lways lead us in Your grace
S eek to trust and believe in Your promise
C hoose to let the Lord
A s the Head of our home be
L ive in His will, obey and do what He says!
Sing to "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"
C ommit to put our marriage into
Y our hands,
N ow please bless us on
T his holy moment
H ave Your guidance
I n our new beginnings
A lways to love each other purely - teach
P urposing to be faithful with each new day
A s we draw close to You, closer we'll be
S o we can laugh, weep & pray together
C hoose to trust
A nd believe
L ove is of God!
Sing to "You Raise Me Up"
C ommit to:
Y our design of two become one
N ow
T wo people & two hearts
H elp to unite
I n our covenant: One promise, One love - to the end we'll keep
A s we draw closer to You & each other
P lease guide us, O Lord
A lways lead us in Your grace
S eek to trust and believe in Your promise
C hoose to let the Lord
A s the Head of our home be
L ive in His will, obey and do what He says!
Sing to "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"
H ave
A happy anniversary we wish
P eace, harmony
P rolonged happiness
Y es!
A covenant of love
N ow renewed once more
N ever tire saying
"I love you, dear"
*V itality of fun
E xperience, enjoy!
R eally
S eek the best for one
A nother!
R especting each other's uniqueness
Y our anniversary filled with blessings!
Sing to "You Raise Me Up"
H ope, faith, love
A nd
P eace, harmony sustaining!
P romises of God trusting
Y ield to His will
A covenant for life
N ow renew
N ever forsaking
I n His strength
V ictorious
E mpowered
R ejoice!
*S eek first His Kingdom & righteousness in our lives
A biding in Him & bearing much fruit
R est in His goodness - He is Jehovah Jireh
Yes! Our utmost for His highest let us give
Sing to "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"
H ave
A happy anniversary we wish
P eace, harmony
P rolonged happiness
Y es!
A covenant of love
N ow renewed once more
N ever tire saying
"I love you, dear"
*V itality of fun
E xperience, enjoy!
R eally
S eek the best for one
A nother!
R especting each other's uniqueness
Y our anniversary filled with blessings!
Sing to "You Raise Me Up"
H ope, faith, love
A nd
P eace, harmony sustaining!
P romises of God trusting
Y ield to His will
A covenant for life
N ow renew
N ever forsaking
I n His strength
V ictorious
E mpowered
R ejoice!
*S eek first His Kingdom & righteousness in our lives
A biding in Him & bearing much fruit
R est in His goodness - He is Jehovah Jireh
Yes! Our utmost for His highest let us give
Sing to "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"
I ntimacy ~ abide in the Lord & you'll surely bear much fruit
I ntercession ~ for others praying
I nfluence & impact you'll have
L ive &
E xpress these in our lives
A way of life
D aily discipline
E mpowered thus to stand before kings
R eal Leader after God's heart!
Sing to "As the Deer"
I ntimacy ~ abide in the Lord & you'll surely bear much fruit
I ntercession ~ for others praying
I nfluence & impact you'll have
L ive &
E xpress these in our lives
A way of life
D aily discipline
E mpowered thus to stand before kings
R eal Leader after God's heart!
Sing to "As the Deer"
CARIE LIN MIAO in acrostics
C ommit to integrity - character develop
A im to be the best that you can
R each for the star and be a light
I mproving continuously & never stop learning
E mpower teamwork and synergize -
L et no obstacles hinder us!
*I n whatever situation let us be ready
N ever give up, believe nothing's impossible!
M ake a difference
I mpact the world!
A new vision
O h inspiring!
Sing to the tune of "Zhong Hua Ming Zhu"
Sino British College
Shanghai, July 6, 2010
C ommit to integrity - character develop
A im to be the best that you can
R each for the star and be a light
I mproving continuously & never stop learning
E mpower teamwork and synergize -
L et no obstacles hinder us!
*I n whatever situation let us be ready
N ever give up, believe nothing's impossible!
M ake a difference
I mpact the world!
A new vision
O h inspiring!
Sing to the tune of "Zhong Hua Ming Zhu"
Sino British College
Shanghai, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 05, 2010
D are to believe nothing is impossible
A bove the circumstances
R ising up!
E xcellence pursue
T o reach the greatest height
O vercome obstacles that stand your way!
B e strong & courageous
E xpect that We Can!
L et nothing stop you
I n your endeavours!
E xpand horizons &
V istas open!
E xpect that impossible is nothing!
Sing to "You Raise Me Up"
Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance.
D are to believe nothing is impossible
A bove the circumstances
R ising up!
E xcellence pursue
T o reach the greatest height
O vercome obstacles that stand your way!
B e strong & courageous
E xpect that We Can!
L et nothing stop you
I n your endeavours!
E xpand horizons &
V istas open!
E xpect that impossible is nothing!
Sing to "You Raise Me Up"
Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance.
D are to believe nothing is impossible
A bove the circumstances
R ising up!
E xcellence pursue
T o reach the greatest height
O vercome obstacles that stand your way!
B e strong & courageous
E xpect that We Can!
L et nothing stop you
I n your endeavours!
E xpand horizons &
V istas open!
E xpect that impossible is nothing!
Sing to "You Raise Me Up"
Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance.
D are to believe nothing is impossible
A bove the circumstances
R ising up!
E xcellence pursue
T o reach the greatest height
O vercome obstacles that stand your way!
B e strong & courageous
E xpect that We Can!
L et nothing stop you
I n your endeavours!
E xpand horizons &
V istas open!
E xpect that impossible is nothing!
Sing to "You Raise Me Up"
Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
I n this land of the free
N ow enjoy fully,
D reams realize,
E xpect all's possible;
P ursue
E xcellence,
N othing less than the best;
D are to be different,
E xpress self freely!
*N ever fear what
C hallenges ahead you face;
E ach stumbling block, stepping stones transforming;
D well not on past successes,
A chievements;
Y es, WE CAN! - spirit of Teamwork inspire!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban
I n this land of the free
N ow enjoy fully,
D reams realize,
E xpect all's possible;
P ursue
E xcellence,
N othing less than the best;
D are to be different,
E xpress self freely!
*N ever fear what
C hallenges ahead you face;
E ach stumbling block, stepping stones transforming;
D well not on past successes,
A chievements;
Y es, WE CAN! - spirit of Teamwork inspire!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban
H appy Birthday! I wish you my lovely friend
A rich blessing that flows and never stops
P eace, Love, Joy and Hope - may your life be filled
P lan the
Y ear ahead with strong confidence
B elieve the impossible
I s possible
R each up
T o fly, soar
H igh like the Eagle
D are to confront
A ny kind of challenge
Y es, I CAN! - this is my motto in life
Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up"
H appy Birthday! I wish you my lovely friend
A rich blessing that flows and never stops
P eace, Love, Joy and Hope - may your life be filled
P lan the
Y ear ahead with strong confidence
B elieve the impossible
I s possible
R each up
T o fly, soar
H igh like the Eagle
D are to confront
A ny kind of challenge
Y es, I CAN! - this is my motto in life
Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up"
A lways making a difference in this lifetime
G enerating creative ideas
U nleashing the great potential in others
N ever stop learning
G iving all my best
H ave commitment, passion for innovation
A new & better world help to create
L eading a transformation that
I mpacts
M eeting life’s challenges with fortitude
“You Raise Me Up” tune by Josh Groban
A lways making a difference in this lifetime
G enerating creative ideas
U nleashing the great potential in others
N ever stop learning
G iving all my best
H ave commitment, passion for innovation
A new & better world help to create
L eading a transformation that
I mpacts
M eeting life’s challenges with fortitude
“You Raise Me Up” tune by Josh Groban
A lways making a difference in this lifetime
G enerating creative ideas
U nleashing the great potential in others
N ever stop learning
G iving all my best
H ave commitment, passion for innovation
A new & better world help to create
L eading a transformation that
I mpacts
M eeting life’s challenges with fortitude
“You Raise Me Up” tune by Josh Groban
A lways making a difference in this lifetime
G enerating creative ideas
U nleashing the great potential in others
N ever stop learning
G iving all my best
H ave commitment, passion for innovation
A new & better world help to create
L eading a transformation that
I mpacts
M eeting life’s challenges with fortitude
“You Raise Me Up” tune by Josh Groban
"CARROTS" based on the 7 Short Ways to Build
Commitment, forming the CARROTS as acrostic:
C ommitting to “NO Pain, NO Gain” principle
A carrot will make your eyesight improve
R eally pick your carrots wisely – be creative
R emember: [it’s] all in the presentation
O just keep your eye on the harvest always
T ry make formal milestones worth rememb’ring
S eek to keep on growing – that is the way;Be the
Carrot Manager that inspires
“You Raise Me Up” tune
Commitment, forming the CARROTS as acrostic:
C ommitting to “NO Pain, NO Gain” principle
A carrot will make your eyesight improve
R eally pick your carrots wisely – be creative
R emember: [it’s] all in the presentation
O just keep your eye on the harvest always
T ry make formal milestones worth rememb’ring
S eek to keep on growing – that is the way;Be the
Carrot Manager that inspires
“You Raise Me Up” tune
H ave a deep commitment to be the best
E xcellence striving to the end
R elationship and network build to synergize
M odeling the way through integrity
A lways character above all maintain
N ever compromising principles for profit
N ow like the dragon the grand vision from above sees
G o and reach for the goal - never ever give up> A transformation inspiring
R ise up and soar to greater heights
I gnite the passion for true learning
A lways innovate and continuously improve
YES! Together We Can! The Best is Yet to Be
H ave a deep commitment to be the best
E xcellence striving to the end
R elationship and network build to synergize
M odeling the way through integrity
A lways character above all maintain
N ever compromising principles for profit
N ow like the dragon the grand vision from above sees
G o and reach for the goal - never ever give up> A transformation inspiring
R ise up and soar to greater heights
I gnite the passion for true learning
A lways innovate and continuously improve
YES! Together We Can! The Best is Yet to Be
WHEN GOD SAYS NO (ODB - May 10, 2005)
W orshipping God even when
H e answers "NO"
E xpect His way is different and
N ot our way
G ladly I'll
O bey and
D elight in His will
S tanding on the promises of God
*A men and
Y es
S urely His Word will come to pass in His own time
N othing fearing
O n the Rock of Ages my confidence
"Standing on the Promises of God" tune
A FRIEND TO THE END (ODB - June 5, 2005)
A true friend stays true to the end
F aithful,
R eaching out
I n love
E njoying each other's company
N ot forsaking in
D istress
T rust, intimacy
O ver time
T ill the end
H elping
E ver
E l Shadai our Almighty God
N ever
D esert, leaving us
"What A Friend We Have in Jesus" tune
M ore than mere guidance
O ur Lord is the good Shepherd
R eally He is
E ver faithful & will guide us through life
T rust Him completely
H e will never forsake us
A lways by our side, Emmanuel
N ever leaving us, never disappoint
G raciously
O ur path &
O ur way He will
D irect
A lways
D elighting in His own presence
V ictory in Christ claim
I n all things
C hrist is surpreme
E xalt and give Him the Glory!
Tune to "He Will Make A Way"
W orshipping God even when
H e answers "NO"
E xpect His way is different and
N ot our way
G ladly I'll
O bey and
D elight in His will
S tanding on the promises of God
*A men and
Y es
S urely His Word will come to pass in His own time
N othing fearing
O n the Rock of Ages my confidence
"Standing on the Promises of God" tune
A FRIEND TO THE END (ODB - June 5, 2005)
A true friend stays true to the end
F aithful,
R eaching out
I n love
E njoying each other's company
N ot forsaking in
D istress
T rust, intimacy
O ver time
T ill the end
H elping
E ver
E l Shadai our Almighty God
N ever
D esert, leaving us
"What A Friend We Have in Jesus" tune
M ore than mere guidance
O ur Lord is the good Shepherd
R eally He is
E ver faithful & will guide us through life
T rust Him completely
H e will never forsake us
A lways by our side, Emmanuel
N ever leaving us, never disappoint
G raciously
O ur path &
O ur way He will
D irect
A lways
D elighting in His own presence
V ictory in Christ claim
I n all things
C hrist is surpreme
E xalt and give Him the Glory!
Tune to "He Will Make A Way"
T o live a life of significance on earth
H ave a heartfelt DEEP DEVOTION for Christ
E xperiencing His love that's so endearing
J ust walk with Him each day on Life's journey
O h do
R eaching out to the world in need of Him
E xpressing Grace
Y earning for His Glory
Sing to the tune of "YOU RAISE ME UP" by Josh Groban
Written: December 22, 2004
NWMA Conference 2005
T o live a life of significance on earth
H ave a heartfelt DEEP DEVOTION for Christ
E xperiencing His love that's so endearing
J ust walk with Him each day on Life's journey
O h do
R eaching out to the world in need of Him
E xpressing Grace
Y earning for His Glory
Sing to the tune of "YOU RAISE ME UP" by Josh Groban
Written: December 22, 2004
NWMA Conference 2005
L ift up our voices
E xalt Christ
T o His highest our
U tmost give
S eeking His glory
S inging His praises
I n all things
N e'er cease to
G ive thanks
Sing to the tune of "Sing Hallelujah"
L ift up our voices
E xalt Christ
T o His highest our
U tmost give
S eeking His glory
S inging His praises
I n all things
N e'er cease to
G ive thanks
Sing to the tune of "Sing Hallelujah"
S et aside all the differences that separate
O h let us shoulder to shoulder give help
L ifting the burdens of the suffring people
I n this way show our bond of brotherhood
D o it with love
A nd not to gain advantage
R each out and touch
I mbued with compassion
T urning to God for His infinite grace
Y our prayers for them surely He will answer
January 5, 2005
Inspiration: Acehs Tzunami
S et aside all the differences that separate
O h let us shoulder to shoulder give help
L ifting the burdens of the suffring people
I n this way show our bond of brotherhood
D o it with love
A nd not to gain advantage
R each out and touch
I mbued with compassion
T urning to God for His infinite grace
Y our prayers for them surely He will answer
January 5, 2005
Inspiration: Acehs Tzunami
M ay your life be an
I nspiration to all
K eeping our words
E xpress appreciation
R each out to the world in dire need of love
O h let me
B e a transforming agent
B elieve all things are possible with our God
I n everything give thanks & be grateful
N othing less than the best of ourselves give
S eek only to make a difference in life
Tune to "YOU RAISE ME UP" by Josh Groban
M ay your life be an
I nspiration to all
K eeping our words
E xpress appreciation
R each out to the world in dire need of love
O h let me
B e a transforming agent
B elieve all things are possible with our God
I n everything give thanks & be grateful
N othing less than the best of ourselves give
S eek only to make a difference in life
Tune to "YOU RAISE ME UP" by Josh Groban
W ith a VISION
H ungering to Make A Difference
A n Example
T rusted to show and MODEL THE WAY
L et's not settle for the status quo
E xcellence
A im &
R esourcing them
H EART & PASSION inspire
I will purpose to MAXIMIZE my
P OTENTIAL, SOWING seeds that benefit other people!
Tune to Rek Ayo Rek"
October 19, 2004
W ith a VISION
H ungering to Make A Difference
A n Example
T rusted to show and MODEL THE WAY
L et's not settle for the status quo
E xcellence
A im &
R esourcing them
H EART & PASSION inspire
I will purpose to MAXIMIZE my
P OTENTIAL, SOWING seeds that benefit other people!
Tune to Rek Ayo Rek"
October 19, 2004
"Boosting Salesforce Performance". Hope you'll like it:
B urst
O r Blast off
O h great difference
S alesforce is making
T hrough Segmenting &
I mplementing Strategy
N ot forgetting to set up challenging
G oals for Self
P ursue always
E xcellence with a great passion
R eally
F ocusing
O n being Effective, Efficient
R esult-oriented &
M aking a Big Impact
A nd
N ot fearing the competition or the
C hallenges; create a culture
E nhancing High Performance
Tune to "Rek Ayo Rek"
October 26, 2004
Markplus Forum's "Boosting Salesforce Performance",
B urst
O r Blast off
O h great difference
S alesforce is making
T hrough Segmenting &
I mplementing Strategy
N ot forgetting to set up challenging
G oals for Self
P ursue always
E xcellence with a great passion
R eally
F ocusing
O n being Effective, Efficient
R esult-oriented &
M aking a Big Impact
A nd
N ot fearing the competition or the
C hallenges; create a culture
E nhancing High Performance
Tune to "Rek Ayo Rek"
October 26, 2004
Markplus Forum's "Boosting Salesforce Performance",
BUILD GOD'S THRONE in acrostics
B e near to me, oh my Lord Jesus
U nder the shadow of your wings
I will abide and trust what you say:
“L et me be Your Fortress and Rock”
D elighting in You
G iving you praise
O nly You’re worthy
D esire of All
S eeking Your presence Lord
T hrough our worship
H oly ground we stand
R emove your shoes
O ffer Him praise
N ot burnt-offerings
E mmanuel – God is here with us
Tune to “Ku Masuk Ruang Maha Kudus”
B e near to me, oh my Lord Jesus
U nder the shadow of your wings
I will abide and trust what you say:
“L et me be Your Fortress and Rock”
D elighting in You
G iving you praise
O nly You’re worthy
D esire of All
S eeking Your presence Lord
T hrough our worship
H oly ground we stand
R emove your shoes
O ffer Him praise
N ot burnt-offerings
E mmanuel – God is here with us
Tune to “Ku Masuk Ruang Maha Kudus”
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