B elieve nothing is impossible,
U nto GOD place your hope & wait;
T rust He will be with you,
G ive you His assurance!
O He is Saviour,
D eliverer!
Sing to the tune of "Amazing Grace"
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
"FAILURE IS OK" in acrostics
"FAILURE IS OK" Tune to lagu "AI PIA" =
F alling is common
A nd it's OK
I mmediately just get up & get on
L ife is full of
U ps & downs
R emember, don't forget
E nthusiasm will win the day
I nspire yourself with positive thinking
S ee only just possibilities
O vercoming your fears that will hinder your dreams
K eep focusing on the goals that you have; and soon they'll be realized
F alling is common
A nd it's OK
I mmediately just get up & get on
L ife is full of
U ps & downs
R emember, don't forget
E nthusiasm will win the day
I nspire yourself with positive thinking
S ee only just possibilities
O vercoming your fears that will hinder your dreams
K eep focusing on the goals that you have; and soon they'll be realized
60 YEARS SUARA MERDEKA in acrostics
60 years have passed
Y et still keep going strong
E xcellence pursue
A lways improving!
R each for the Star &
S oar high as the eagle
S eek to be best
U nstoppable be!
*A head of the era
R ise! Lead!
A nd
M odel!
E xist to
R eally bind Central Java
D well as community
E ach other help!
K eep be independent
A nd objective!
"You Raise Me Up" tune
60 (nampuluh) tahun &
T etap berkibar
A manat Pendiri mari t'ruskan
H adapi tantangan
U njuklah tekad
N yatakan diri
S 'bagai Perekat
*U ntuk komunitas se-Jawa Tengah
A tasi
R intangan
A ntusiaslah!
M ari kejar
E xcellence
R aih sukses!
D ahului
E ra
K ekal
A badi!
60 years have passed
Y et still keep going strong
E xcellence pursue
A lways improving!
R each for the Star &
S oar high as the eagle
S eek to be best
U nstoppable be!
*A head of the era
R ise! Lead!
A nd
M odel!
E xist to
R eally bind Central Java
D well as community
E ach other help!
K eep be independent
A nd objective!
"You Raise Me Up" tune
60 (nampuluh) tahun &
T etap berkibar
A manat Pendiri mari t'ruskan
H adapi tantangan
U njuklah tekad
N yatakan diri
S 'bagai Perekat
*U ntuk komunitas se-Jawa Tengah
A tasi
R intangan
A ntusiaslah!
M ari kejar
E xcellence
R aih sukses!
D ahului
E ra
K ekal
A badi!
W elcome to Indonesia
E xperience great things
L et your soul be nourished
C ome! Explore our rich culture!
O ur ultimate in diversity discover:
M ountains,
E xotic beaches,
T emples &
O so much more!
I sland of Bali
N ew & modern
D own to
O historic Jogja
N ever-
E nding
S urprises find
I nvite
A ll your buddies here!
Rasa Sayange tune
W elcome to Indonesia
E xperience great things
L et your soul be nourished
C ome! Explore our rich culture!
O ur ultimate in diversity discover:
M ountains,
E xotic beaches,
T emples &
O so much more!
I sland of Bali
N ew & modern
D own to
O historic Jogja
N ever-
E nding
S urprises find
I nvite
A ll your buddies here!
Rasa Sayange tune
(Psalm 105)
G ive thanks, sing psalms
I n praise of Him
V oice out His deeds to the people
E vermore seek the Lord, His strength!
T hose who seek the Lord
H earts rejoice!
A ll His marvelous works, wonders
N ow remember - His covenant
K eep His commands His chosen ones
S ek to glorify God, the Lord!
T he Lord's faithful - keep His promise
O bring joy and gladness to us
T hrough the waters He led us through
H e satisfied with Heaven's bread
E nter the land He has promised
L ight of fire in the night gave
O cloud for covering He spread
R emember His statutes
D o them!
"In Christ Alone" tune
(Psalm 105)
G ive thanks, sing psalms
I n praise of Him
V oice out His deeds to the people
E vermore seek the Lord, His strength!
T hose who seek the Lord
H earts rejoice!
A ll His marvelous works, wonders
N ow remember - His covenant
K eep His commands His chosen ones
S ek to glorify God, the Lord!
T he Lord's faithful - keep His promise
O bring joy and gladness to us
T hrough the waters He led us through
H e satisfied with Heaven's bread
E nter the land He has promised
L ight of fire in the night gave
O cloud for covering He spread
R emember His statutes
D o them!
"In Christ Alone" tune
Monday, March 29, 2010
T une in to God
R eceive His Word
A ct in obedience
N ow do it
S eek His presence
F ellowship have
O ur marketplace
R estored to Christ
M ake an an impact
A s God's witness
T ransform our world as God designed
I n His Spirit we're empowered
O ffer our best
N ew vision set!
"In Christ Alone"
T une in to God
R eceive His Word
A ct in obedience
N ow do it
S eek His presence
F ellowship have
O ur marketplace
R estored to Christ
M ake an an impact
A s God's witness
T ransform our world as God designed
I n His Spirit we're empowered
O ffer our best
N ew vision set!
"In Christ Alone"
Friday, March 19, 2010
J ust give thanks
U nto the Lord for all His blessings
S ing His praises
U ltimate joy truly
F illing your heart
(Repeat ....)
S eek first His KIngdom
Y ield, obey His Word
A lways give thanks &
R ejoice in Him
I mmanuel - God is by our side
F aithful to the end, never forsake!
Sing to the tune of "Rasa Sayange"
J ust give thanks
U nto the Lord for all His blessings
S ing His praises
U ltimate joy truly
F illing your heart
(Repeat ....)
S eek first His KIngdom
Y ield, obey His Word
A lways give thanks &
R ejoice in Him
I mmanuel - God is by our side
F aithful to the end, never forsake!
Sing to the tune of "Rasa Sayange"
Friday, March 12, 2010
S howers of rich blessings from God
H is love and grace to sustain us
A new vision – His task fulfill
N ever fear
E l-Shadai with us
L ove is of God – for God is love
I n love with Him, [for] God first loved us
S weet fellowship in His presence
A bide in Him, we’ll bear much fruit!
Sing to “In Christ Alone” tune
Lyrics by Agung K. Halim
SHANE – LISA (Lisa's rendition)
S eek His Kingdom, righteousness
H is Great Commission now fulfill
A ll surrendered to His will
N one of self
E xalt the Lord!
L ove is of God – for God is love
I n love with Him, [for] God first loved us
S weet fellowship in His presence
A bide in Him, we’ll bear much fruit!
Originally tuned to “In Christ Alone”
Lyrics by Agung K. Halim
S howers of rich blessings from God
H is love and grace to sustain us
A new vision – His task fulfill
N ever fear
E l-Shadai with us
L ove is of God – for God is love
I n love with Him, [for] God first loved us
S weet fellowship in His presence
A bide in Him, we’ll bear much fruit!
Sing to “In Christ Alone” tune
Lyrics by Agung K. Halim
SHANE – LISA (Lisa's rendition)
S eek His Kingdom, righteousness
H is Great Commission now fulfill
A ll surrendered to His will
N one of self
E xalt the Lord!
L ove is of God – for God is love
I n love with Him, [for] God first loved us
S weet fellowship in His presence
A bide in Him, we’ll bear much fruit!
Originally tuned to “In Christ Alone”
Lyrics by Agung K. Halim
R each to the lost with the love and grace of Christ
A message of salvation brings
Y ielding to the will of God in obedience – His Great Commission call fulfilling!
B elieve in Christ
O ur Redeemer God
L et us sing praise
T o the Lord
Z ealously glorify!
Sing to “Seek Ye First”
Singer of "THANK YOU for giving to the Lord"
R each to the lost with the love and grace of Christ
A message of salvation brings
Y ielding to the will of God in obedience – His Great Commission call fulfilling!
B elieve in Christ
O ur Redeemer God
L et us sing praise
T o the Lord
Z ealously glorify!
Sing to “Seek Ye First”
Singer of "THANK YOU for giving to the Lord"
Sunday, March 07, 2010
C hoose to trust though in doubt
H eartful thanks
O to God give
O vercome disappointments - He Can!
S hadows of fear may haunt us
E xperience of shattered lives
T rust His plan is for
O ur good always
T o God alone
R est our hope
U nflinching!
S urrender our will to Him
T o God be the glory!
(sing to "Trust & Obey")
Saat aku tak paham maksud Tuhan,
aku memilih... percaya.. :|
Saat aku tertekan oleh kekecewaan,
aku memilih.... bersyukur.. O:)
Saat rencana hidupku berantakan,
aku memilih.... berserah..:)
Saat putus asa melingkupiku,
aku memilih.... tetap maju.. :>
Dan saat ingin mengirimkan message ini
aku memilihmu... karena kamu sangat spesial di mata Tuhan.. ({})
Apapun yg terjadi pdmu saat ini, tetaplah PERCAYA, BERSYUKUR, BERSERAH dan MAJU DALM IMAN karena Tuhan sedang merajut yang TERBAIK untukmu
C hoose to trust though in doubt
H eartful thanks
O to God give
O vercome disappointments - He Can!
S hadows of fear may haunt us
E xperience of shattered lives
T rust His plan is for
O ur good always
T o God alone
R est our hope
U nflinching!
S urrender our will to Him
T o God be the glory!
(sing to "Trust & Obey")
Saat aku tak paham maksud Tuhan,
aku memilih... percaya.. :|
Saat aku tertekan oleh kekecewaan,
aku memilih.... bersyukur.. O:)
Saat rencana hidupku berantakan,
aku memilih.... berserah..:)
Saat putus asa melingkupiku,
aku memilih.... tetap maju.. :>
Dan saat ingin mengirimkan message ini
aku memilihmu... karena kamu sangat spesial di mata Tuhan.. ({})
Apapun yg terjadi pdmu saat ini, tetaplah PERCAYA, BERSYUKUR, BERSERAH dan MAJU DALM IMAN karena Tuhan sedang merajut yang TERBAIK untukmu
B oldly face the challenges &
A ct with wisdom
R estore confidence
R ise to the occasion
Y es! WE CAN!
S trive for excellence
O don't rest on past laurels
E xploit your potential & reach the heights of your glory
*T ransform our nation & make an impact
O vercome the obstacles we face
R estore peace and harmony 'round us
O ur world a better place let us make!
Tune to "Rasa Sayange"
To President Barrack Obama,
May these be the attributes you will forever be remembered for:
A man of integrity &
T rustworthy
R espected by all
I nfluencing the world
B e true to self &
U ncompromising
T ransform the world
E XCELLENT Leader be!
Reff "U Raise Me Up"
B oldly face the challenges With
great faith, strong courage and inspiring hope
A ct with wisdom, Nobility,
R estore confidence, Rebuild the trust,
Realize our dreams for a better tomorrow
Y es! We Can!
Strive for
excellence and nothing less
O don’t ever rest on your laurels
E xploit your
potential and reach the heights of your glory
T ransform our nation and make an impact
O vercome the obstacle we will face
R estore peace and harmony round us & let us make
O ur world a better place !!
B elieve that we can change the world
A s you and I
R ise up and dare face the challenges
A new vision let us inspire
C ommitment, Honour & Courage
K eep to the end
A better tomorrow build
N ever give up!
D ream on! Make it happen!
M iracles are possible – Just do it!
I n God – truly nothing is impossible
*C hoose to be a difference-maker – transform the world
H ave passion, integrity & purpose-driven
E xcellence let’s pursue!
L ift up and raise others to be more than they can be
L ive, love and learn – leaving a lasting legacy
E mpower others to succeed
O nothing’s impossible – keep going!
B oldly – open new vistas & horizons
A ct wisely with prudence & knowledge
M ove on!
A n impact in people’s lives create!
Sing to “You and I” tune by Stevie Wonder
B oldly face the challenges &
A ct with wisdom
R estore confidence
R ise to the occasion
Y es! WE CAN!
S trive for excellence
O don't rest on your laurels
E xploit your potential & reach the heights of your glory
*T ransform our nation & make an impact
O vercome the obstacles we face
R estore peace and harmony 'round us
O ur world a better place let us make!
Tune to "Rasa Sayange"
B oldly face life's challenges with courage
A nd great fortitude
R ise up! Be an inspiration!!
R each for the Star with eagle wings
Y es! Believe there is nothing impossible!
S trive for excellence
O h nothing less!
E mpow'r
T o make a difference!
O ur world a better place make!
R estore peace through mutual understanding
O vercome all diff'rences!
"Win the Lost at Any Cost" tune
B oldly face the challenges &
A ct with wisdom
R estore confidence
R ise to the occasion
Y es! WE CAN!
S trive for excellence
O don't rest on past laurels
E xploit your potential & reach the heights of your glory
*T ransform our nation & make an impact
O vercome the obstacles we face
R estore peace and harmony 'round us
O ur world a better place let us make!
Tune to "Rasa Sayange"
To President Barrack Obama,
May these be the attributes you will forever be remembered for:
A man of integrity &
T rustworthy
R espected by all
I nfluencing the world
B e true to self &
U ncompromising
T ransform the world
E XCELLENT Leader be!
Reff "U Raise Me Up"
B oldly face the challenges With
great faith, strong courage and inspiring hope
A ct with wisdom, Nobility,
R estore confidence, Rebuild the trust,
Realize our dreams for a better tomorrow
Y es! We Can!
Strive for
excellence and nothing less
O don’t ever rest on your laurels
E xploit your
potential and reach the heights of your glory
T ransform our nation and make an impact
O vercome the obstacle we will face
R estore peace and harmony round us & let us make
O ur world a better place !!
B elieve that we can change the world
A s you and I
R ise up and dare face the challenges
A new vision let us inspire
C ommitment, Honour & Courage
K eep to the end
A better tomorrow build
N ever give up!
D ream on! Make it happen!
M iracles are possible – Just do it!
I n God – truly nothing is impossible
*C hoose to be a difference-maker – transform the world
H ave passion, integrity & purpose-driven
E xcellence let’s pursue!
L ift up and raise others to be more than they can be
L ive, love and learn – leaving a lasting legacy
E mpower others to succeed
O nothing’s impossible – keep going!
B oldly – open new vistas & horizons
A ct wisely with prudence & knowledge
M ove on!
A n impact in people’s lives create!
Sing to “You and I” tune by Stevie Wonder
B oldly face the challenges &
A ct with wisdom
R estore confidence
R ise to the occasion
Y es! WE CAN!
S trive for excellence
O don't rest on your laurels
E xploit your potential & reach the heights of your glory
*T ransform our nation & make an impact
O vercome the obstacles we face
R estore peace and harmony 'round us
O ur world a better place let us make!
Tune to "Rasa Sayange"
B oldly face life's challenges with courage
A nd great fortitude
R ise up! Be an inspiration!!
R each for the Star with eagle wings
Y es! Believe there is nothing impossible!
S trive for excellence
O h nothing less!
E mpow'r
T o make a difference!
O ur world a better place make!
R estore peace through mutual understanding
O vercome all diff'rences!
"Win the Lost at Any Cost" tune
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