G od's love - all love excelling, beyond compare
L et us give thanks for
O ur salvation so free
R edeemed us from the bondage of sin
Y es! Eternal life give!
O ur broken relationship
F ully restored!
L et us now rejoice for His so amazing grace!
O nly place our hope in Christ - our Saviour
V oice out our praises in Hallelujah chorus
E xalting Him - SOLI DEO GLORIA!
sing to the tune of "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"
Sunday, May 10, 2009
H ow special indeed
A re mothers!
P urposed by God to
P erfect us
Y es!
M iracle of Being she is -
O ffering
T ender & soft love!
H ealing our hurts
E nduring pain!
R eassuring
S houlders to cry on
D eep abyss in her heart - forgiveness
A sacrifice for
Y ou she’ll pay!
H ow special indeed
A re mothers!
P urposed by God to
P erfect us
Y es!
M iracle of Being she is -
O ffering
T ender & soft love!
H ealing our hurts
E nduring pain!
R eassuring
S houlders to cry on
D eep abyss in her heart - forgiveness
A sacrifice for
Y ou she’ll pay!
Saturday, May 09, 2009
B uilding blocks of a mother are:
L istening ears;
E yes that care &
S mile that's understanding
S nuggly hugs that warm &
E nwrap her children
D o fill the hearts with joy & blessings pour
M other is like home-made bread
O that's kneaded
T he sweetest gift -
H ow precious,
E xcellent!
R ise up -
S alute to our mothers
D eclare:
A ll the best wishes, Mom
Y our day's today!
Sing to "You Raise Me Up" tune
B uilding blocks of a mother are:
L istening ears;
E yes that care &
S mile that's understanding
S nuggly hugs that warm &
E nwrap her children
D o fill the hearts with joy & blessings pour
M other is like home-made bread
O that's kneaded
T he sweetest gift -
H ow precious,
E xcellent!
R ise up -
S alute to our mothers
D eclare:
A ll the best wishes, Mom
Y our day's today!
Sing to "You Raise Me Up" tune
L et us
E xcel with
A ll-out effort
P ursue!
B eyond the limits
E xceeding our goal
Y es!
O vercome the challenges
N ow face us
D are to make a real difference that matters!
L ive to the hilt
I n faith
M ake more possible!
I nspire a vision
T hat ignites passion!
A better
T omorrow
I n His plan build!
O ur world make
N ew and more wonderful be!
Sing to the tune of "You Raise ME Up" by Josh Groban
L et us
E xcel with
A ll-out effort
P ursue!
B eyond the limits
E xceeding our goal
Y es!
O vercome the challenges
N ow face us
D are to make a real difference that matters!
L ive to the hilt
I n faith
M ake more possible!
I nspire a vision
T hat ignites passion!
A better
T omorrow
I n His plan build!
O ur world make
N ew and more wonderful be!
Sing to the tune of "You Raise ME Up" by Josh Groban
N ever, never, never give up - just go on
E very failure teaches us a lesson
V enture into new horizons with courage
E ndure the hardships &
R each for your goal!
G ive the very best
I n everything we do
V ision of a better world inspire
E xcellence pursue
U nstoppable be!
P urpose-driven to make a real difference
Sing to "You Raise Me Up" tune
N ever, never, never give up - just go on
E very failure teaches us a lesson
V enture into new horizons with courage
E ndure the hardships &
R each for your goal!
G ive the very best
I n everything we do
V ision of a better world inspire
E xcellence pursue
U nstoppable be!
P urpose-driven to make a real difference
Sing to "You Raise Me Up" tune
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