Tuesday, March 31, 2009
R ise and soar high as the eagle majestic
U nto His throne with angels surrounding
T ruly worship in truth and in the Spirit
H is Name exalt, let us with joy praise Him
S ing Hallelujah
A ll glory to Him
H e is worthy
A ll honour due
N ow let tongues confess
A nd let all knees bow
Y es He is
A lpha & Omega!
Sing to the tune of "How Great Thou Art" hymn
Friday, March 27, 2009
O the bright side of life seeing
P urpose to be a blessing
T he future is in God's hands &
I will trust and hope in Him
M ake the world a better place
I nspire, motivate
S eek the very best in others &
T ransform the world 'round us!
"Joyful, Joyful" tune
M ake more possible - relentlessly pursue
A im for the best
R each for the star above
I gniting a passion for true excellence
O believe impossible is nothing
V ision for a better tomorrow
I nspire!
T ransform
T o impact
O make a difference!
N ever quit! Never fear the challenges!
E mpowered through synergy & teamwork!
Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" (Josh Groban)
On Tanadi Santoso's facebook:
Good things come to those who relentlessly pursue them. Waiting is for bus stops *** Mario Vittone
R each for your goal with passion & commitment
E ndure hardship, overcome obstacles
L ive to the hilt & leaving no stones unturned
E xcellence -
N othing less
T han the best strive!
L ive, love and learn - leaving a legacy
E mpowering the next generation
S piritual, emotional, physical
S eek to balance and maintain in our life
Sing to "You Raise Me Up" tune
Mario Vittone is a good old friend from USA and he wrote that about 10 years back !!! How fast time flies...
O 'er the future
N ever fear, God cares for us
O ur Father in heaven does know
T rust He will always provide
W ith God's nothing's impossible, for He ordains everything
O ur God reigns and He's in control - He will never forsake us
R est in Him, for He is our hope
R ock of Ages & our Shield
Y ielded to His will and obey! Delight in the Lord - rejoice!
Sing to the tune of "I Don't Know About Tomorrow" (or "I Know Who Holds Tomorrow")
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
B e thankful & count your blessings
E xpressing your gratitude
H elping hand rendering
A nd be the world to those in the need
P eace and harmony create in the world 'round us
P urpose with a firm commitment
Y es! "We can do it" -inspire!
Sing to "Joyful, Joyful" (Beethoven) tune
I MPOSSIBLE is nothing - just believe it
M ake more possible through great synergy
P urpose-driven to make it truly happen
O surely our dreams we will soon realize!
*S trive for excellence &
S eek to be the best
I gnite a "We Can Do It" attitude
B e an Inspiration
L ift others up
E mpower "Together Each Achieves More"
Sing to "YOu Raise Me Up" (Josh Groban) tune
Monday, March 23, 2009
B e anxious not
E l-Shadai God
A lmighty & can do all things
N ow by prayer & supplication
X press everything to the Lord
I n thanksgiving
O let us praise!
U nto God make known our requests
S urely God's peace
N ow guards our hearts
O ur minds also
T hrough Christ Jesus
Sing to the tune of "In CHrist Alone (Townsend & Getty version - used in the Video of Nick Vujiccic)
T ake a deep breath and just let yourself relax
A ll positive thoughts
K eep focusing on
E nthusiasm generate
I nspiration
T omorrow will be better - look forward!
E njoy the moment - don't worry, be happy
A mazing things you will then experience
S mile often and the world will smile with you
Y es! You can do it! - Let go and let God!
Sing to "U Raise Me Up" tune
Sunday, March 22, 2009
N ever doubting
C ommit our ways to God & wait
H e's our Shepherd
R est in His care
I mmanuel - God is with us
S urely He knows
T he thoughts of men
A nd the hearts move
L ike a river!
O ask in prayer
N ow just believe
E xpect He will never fail us!
(sing to the tune of the same song by Townsend & Getty)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
S eek His Kingdom
A nd righteousness
R est in His promises
I n faith!
S ing & worship
I n Truth, Spririt
M ay our praises
O to Him raise
R ejoice always
A nd let's give thanks!
N ow
G ive glory -
K ing of all kings!
I mmanuel - God is with us
R eally He is our good Shepherd!
Sing to the tune of "In Christ Alone" (Townsend & Getty Version)
T oday is a present, yesterday history
O tomorrow is still unknown mystery
D are to seize the day
A nd make a difference!
Y es! Let us give thanks and count our blessings!
Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" refrain
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God's gift, that's why we call it the present.”
The full quote often reads: "The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present."
In the 1902 book, "Sun Dials and Roses of Yesterday: Garden Delights..." by Alice Morse Earle, it is noted that the words "Time Waits for No Man" is a play on words or punning device of "gnomon" that has been used on sun dials. A gnomon is a pointer on a sun dial. Somewhere along the way came the full quote which has been truncated by some to your version.
Many believe the phrase has its root in "Time and Tide wait for No Man," meaning no one is so powerful that he can stop the march of time.
According to "The Phrase Finder":
The origin is uncertain, although it's clear that the phrase is ancient and that it predates modern English. The earliest known record is from St. Marher, 1225:
"And te tide and te time þat tu iboren were, schal beon iblescet."
A version in modern English -- "the tide abides for, tarrieth for no man, stays no man, tide nor time tarrieth no man" evolved into the present day version.
Nowhere is this sentiment more artfully expressed than in Emily Dickinson's poem #1292, "Yesterday is History."
Yesterday is History,
'tis so far away --
yesterday is Poetry,
'tis Philosophy --
Yesterday is Mystery --
Where it is today --
While we shrewdly speculate
Flutter both away
Saturday, March 14, 2009
IRA WIBOWO -in acrostics
I ntegrity to model & lead the way
R eady challenge the process with courage
A shared vision inspire, encourage the heart
W ith teamwork, enable others to act
*I gnite the passion for continuous learning
B elieve that impossible is nothing
Overcome life's challenges with strong faith
W inning attiitude
O let us ignite!
Sing to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" (Josh Groban)
HOLLI FOOD - in acrostics
H ope you'll enjoy
O ur special, delicious cake
L apis Legit 'WAIKI - Indonesian layer cake
L et your friends try and taste
I mpressed, hooked they'll be -
F orever remember & never will they forget!
O you will never regret of making WAIKI your choice
O ur guarantee we give you
D o not hesitate to get!
Friday, March 13, 2009
L ive to the hilt
A vessel pleasing to God
N othing but my utmost for His highest
D elight in Him, trust and obey - just do it
A s light and salt of the earth - reflect Christ
O have the mind of Christ in us
P urpose: Make disciples of all nations
E vermore glorify the Lord!
Semarang, 13 March, 2009
Template Institute, Cape Town
South Africa
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
N ow worship God
I n truth and in the Spirit
K neel & bow
O before His throne of grace
N ew life in Christ
J ust as we are
O coming!
T rust &
O bey
R eally pleasing to Him
*A ll glory be to Christ
H e is worthy
A lways give Him honour due Him
R ejoice &
D o give thanks in everything
J oin with the angels
O praise Him!
Sing to the tune of "How Great Thou Art"
Sunday, March 08, 2009
T he Lord my Rock
H e's my fortress
E l-Shadai - my Deliverer
L et's call on Him
O h He'll answer
R ejoice always
D elight in Him
I mmanuel
S ure His presence
M y Comforter
Y es, all in all!
R est in His Word
O ur foundation
C hrist - the Lord of lords
K ing of kings!
Sing to the tune of "In Christ Alone" (by Townsend & Getty version)
S pirit of a hero
U nleashing!
S triving for a better
I ndonesia
L et's join together as one, building a great, strong nation
O vercoming challenges that we face!
B elieve nothing is impossible -
A clean government free of corruption create
M ake provision for people in need
B e ready to suffer
A nd
N ever, never, never
G iving up!
Y ou & I together
U nite to make a difference
D o let's synergyze through good teamwork
H ope, faith and confidence inspiring – a great vision ignite
O h keep the momentum of progress
Y es! Be Optimistic - a brighter future see
O ur next generation let us prepare
N ow the time for action, move on courageously
O ffer our best for Indonesia!
Per –gi -lah ber –ju -ang sa –yang -ku
S pi -rit of a he - ro U n - lea - shing!
Mes -ki se -dih ha - ti ku –ra- sa -kan
S tri – ving for a bet- ter I n –do –ne - sia
Men – ca - pai ci - ta- ci - ta, ma - sa de – pan ber sa - ma
L et's join to –ge - ther as one, buil - ding a great, strong na - tion
A - ku mes -ti ta bah meng – ha – da - pi
O - ver co - ming chal - le - nges that we face!
Mes - ki kau ber – pi - sah da –ri -ku
B e - lieve no -thing is im pos –si -ble -
Me – rin - tis hi - dup di ta - nah ha - ra - pan
A clean go - vern - ment free of cor - rup - tion create
Eng - kau a - kan a - ru - ngi ja - lan pan -jang tak ber – te - pi
M ake pro - vi - sion for peo - ple in need B e rea - dy to suf - fer
Ta - bah kan lah ha – ti - mu ka sih ku
A nd N e - ver, ne - ver, ne - ver G i - ving up!
Li - ku.- li - ku hi -dup yang kan .ki - ta la lu - i
Y ou & I to - ge - ther U - nite to make a dif - ference
Tak se - in -dah bu - lan pur – na -ma
D o let's sy - ner - gyze through good team - work
Mem – ba - ngun ru -mah ba - ha - gi - a
H ope, faith and con – fi dence ins - pi -ring –
Yang kan ki -ta hu - ni
A great vi –sion ig - nite
Ki - ta mes -ti te - rus ber - ka - rya
O h keep the mo - men - tum of pro - gress
Bu - lat -kan ha - ti -mu, ku –at -kan te -kad -mu
Y es! Be Op - ti - mis -tic - a bet -ter fu - ture see
Ja - ngan eng - kau ra - gu un - tuk ma - ju
O ur next ge - ne - ra - tion let us pre - pare
Tu - han me - nun –tun - mu, ber - sa - ma do - a - ku
N ow the time for ac - tion, move on cou - ra - geous - ly
Sla -mat ber -ju - ang oh ka - sih ku
O f -fer our best for In do - ne - sia!
Friday, March 06, 2009
M ake a real difference
I nsprire with a vision
C ommitment, persistence & consistence
H ave a passion for
E xcellence - nothing less
L ive, love & learn
L eaving a legacy!
*E mpow'r, raise others to more than they can be!
J oin hand in hand - teamwork with synergy
I mpacting to make a transformation
A better tomorrow help to create!
Sing this to the tune of "You Raise Me UP" (by Josh Groban)
S eek God
E njoy His presence
E xperience Him
K nowledge of Him &
G race grow in!
O ur Rock of Ages
D eliverer, Saviour
E l-Shadai
A mighty Lord of lords!
*R ejoice in Him
N ow let us
E xalt!
S ing praise
T o Him
L et us worship
Y es! Glorify Him!
Sing to the tune of "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God"
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
O ur prayer
D o trust in faith
W ith patience
I n His time
L et us wait
L ift our burdens
A nd bear us up
N ever will He fail - He's El-Shadai
S eek His face at His throne of grace
W orship in Spirit and in truth
E xalt His Name in majesty
R ejoice for He'll surely deliver!
Tune to "Sweet Hour of Prayer"