J oin hand in hand with God to make a difference!
U nto Him be all glory and praise raise!
L iving a life
I n obedience to His will,
A pproved unto Christ & pleasing to Him!
M eet for the Master's use,
A s clay in His hands;
T rust and obey,
T rue to His Word be!
E xult &
R ejoice in His love and grace!
A men & Yea His promises to us!
tune "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban.
Dear agung,
Greetings from the School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship. We are happy to have you as a member of our community and hope that our publications and resources will be of great interest and benefit to you.
Your e-mail address and interest preferences have been recorded in our database. In the future, you will receive periodic e-mails specific to your interests.
Privacy is very important to us; therefore, we will not sell, rent or give your name or address to anyone. At any point, you can select the link at the bottom of every e-mail to unsubscribe or to receive less or more information.
Thank you for subscribing. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.
Julia Mattera, Writing & Communication Specialist
School of Global Leadership & Entrepreneurship
e-mail: julimat@regent.edu
phone: 757-226-4550
web: http://www.regent.edu/global
Monday, July 30, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
J oin hand in hand with God to serve,
E xpect to go beyond!
R each out to the world in need,
R ejoice with the angels above,
Y es, for lost souls who found Christ;
S aved from eternal death!
H is amazing grace and love,
I nvite all to Himself!
R eward of His crown awaits,
E nter His throne with joy,
R edeemer, Saviour Lord Jesus - to Him be the glory!
tuned to "I Love to Tell the Story" hymn
J oin hand in hand with God to serve,
E xpect to go beyond!
R each out to the world in need,
R ejoice with the angels above,
Y es, for lost souls who found Christ;
S aved from eternal death!
H is amazing grace and love,
I nvite all to Himself!
R eward of His crown awaits,
E nter His throne with joy,
R edeemer, Saviour Lord Jesus - to Him be the glory!
tuned to "I Love to Tell the Story" hymn
Sunday, July 15, 2007
S triving for true excellence and nothing less!
U nstoppable, be the best we can be!
S eek first God's kingdom
A nd His righteousness!
N ever waver, be faithful to the end!
A mazing grace turns our weakness into strength,
R ejoice and again rejoice
I n His love;
C hrist - our Rock of Ages will sustain us;
O trust and rest in His promises true!
tune to "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban
S triving for true excellence and nothing less!
U nstoppable, be the best we can be!
S eek first God's kingdom
A nd His righteousness!
N ever waver, be faithful to the end!
A mazing grace turns our weakness into strength,
R ejoice and again rejoice
I n His love;
C hrist - our Rock of Ages will sustain us;
O trust and rest in His promises true!
tune to "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban
Saturday, July 14, 2007
P ursuing God,
R est quietly
I n His Word;
S eeking His will,
C hoose to trust and obey!
I n His Spirit,
L ed to do His mighty works!
L et us ascribe
A ll glory to the Lord!
S ing out in praise,
H allelujah, Amen!
I mmanuel – God is with us!
R ejoice and again rejoice in the Lord!
E xalt His Name,
R ender worship!
“How Great Thou Art”
Dear Agung Halim,
Thank you so much and God Bless you! We will print this out and place
it in our office.
Many Blessings,
Going Beyond Ministries
Jerry & Priscilla Shirer
Priscilla Shirer is a BIBLE teacher. Through the expository teaching of the Word of God, she desires to see women not only know the uncompromising truths of Scripture intellectually but experience them practically by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Priscilla is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, with a Master's degree in Biblical Studies. She has been a conference speaker for major corporations, organizations, and Christian audiences across the United States and the world.
In 1993, Priscilla's speaking ministry began while she was in college. Although her plan was to receive her degree in radio and television and go on to be a television news anchor, God had other plans. While interning at a Christian radio station in Houston, she began to receive invitations to do Bible studies at small women's events in the area. As an 18 year old freshman, she went to these events and shared the simple truths of Scripture that she was studying in her own personal time with the Lord.
In 1997, while in seminary, she received a request to facilitate a Bible study at Ziglar Training Systems in Dallas, Texas. It was that day that she met international motivational speaker Zig Ziglar, who became not only her friend but also her mentor. She was asked to come on board as one of the company's motivational speakers and corporate trainers. In this capacity, she has provided training and inspiration to hundreds of companies and their employees across the country and abroad. Still, her desire was simply to teach the Word of God to women.
Priscilla is now in full-time ministry to women across the country and the world. She is the author of "A Jewel In His Crown", "A Jewel In His Crown Bible Study & Journal" and "And We Are Changed: Transforming Encounters With God" (Moody Press).
The Lord has incorporated her love for television into her ministry by allowing her to author two video driven Bible studies with Lifeway Christian Resources.
In "He Speaks to Me: Preparing to Hear from God" and "Discerning the Voice of God: How to Know When God Speaks" Priscilla guides participants on a six (6) week Bible study that will equip them to more accurately discern God's leading in their life. Both of these studies have been adapted into trade book format by Moody Press.
Priscilla is the daughter of pastor, speaker, and well-known author Dr. Tony Evans. She is married to her best friend, Jerry, and the couple have two sons: Jackson and Jerry Jr. They live in Dallas, Texas.
Jerry and Priscilla have founded Going Beyond Ministries through which the message of God's desire for a passionate love relationship with His children is boldly proclaimed. Going Beyond Revivals for women occur across the country several times a year.
P ursuing God,
R est quietly
I n His Word;
S eeking His will,
C hoose to trust and obey!
I n His Spirit,
L ed to do His mighty works!
L et us ascribe
A ll glory to the Lord!
S ing out in praise,
H allelujah, Amen!
I mmanuel – God is with us!
R ejoice and again rejoice in the Lord!
E xalt His Name,
R ender worship!
“How Great Thou Art”
Dear Agung Halim,
Thank you so much and God Bless you! We will print this out and place
it in our office.
Many Blessings,
Going Beyond Ministries
Jerry & Priscilla Shirer
Priscilla Shirer is a BIBLE teacher. Through the expository teaching of the Word of God, she desires to see women not only know the uncompromising truths of Scripture intellectually but experience them practically by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Priscilla is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, with a Master's degree in Biblical Studies. She has been a conference speaker for major corporations, organizations, and Christian audiences across the United States and the world.
In 1993, Priscilla's speaking ministry began while she was in college. Although her plan was to receive her degree in radio and television and go on to be a television news anchor, God had other plans. While interning at a Christian radio station in Houston, she began to receive invitations to do Bible studies at small women's events in the area. As an 18 year old freshman, she went to these events and shared the simple truths of Scripture that she was studying in her own personal time with the Lord.
In 1997, while in seminary, she received a request to facilitate a Bible study at Ziglar Training Systems in Dallas, Texas. It was that day that she met international motivational speaker Zig Ziglar, who became not only her friend but also her mentor. She was asked to come on board as one of the company's motivational speakers and corporate trainers. In this capacity, she has provided training and inspiration to hundreds of companies and their employees across the country and abroad. Still, her desire was simply to teach the Word of God to women.
Priscilla is now in full-time ministry to women across the country and the world. She is the author of "A Jewel In His Crown", "A Jewel In His Crown Bible Study & Journal" and "And We Are Changed: Transforming Encounters With God" (Moody Press).
The Lord has incorporated her love for television into her ministry by allowing her to author two video driven Bible studies with Lifeway Christian Resources.
In "He Speaks to Me: Preparing to Hear from God" and "Discerning the Voice of God: How to Know When God Speaks" Priscilla guides participants on a six (6) week Bible study that will equip them to more accurately discern God's leading in their life. Both of these studies have been adapted into trade book format by Moody Press.
Priscilla is the daughter of pastor, speaker, and well-known author Dr. Tony Evans. She is married to her best friend, Jerry, and the couple have two sons: Jackson and Jerry Jr. They live in Dallas, Texas.
Jerry and Priscilla have founded Going Beyond Ministries through which the message of God's desire for a passionate love relationship with His children is boldly proclaimed. Going Beyond Revivals for women occur across the country several times a year.
Friday, July 13, 2007
C hoose be
A n instrument approved unto God;
R each out to the world with His love and grace;
Y earn to seek first His Kingdom & righteousness!
N ow go and make disciples of nations!
R est
I n the Lord's promise,
V ictory He's assured!
A lways
D elight in Him,
E xalt His Name!
N ever fear,
E l-Shadai, our Rock and Shield!
I n Christ,
R ejoice always,
A gain rejoice!
This acrostic may be sung to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban
C hoose be
A n instrument approved unto God;
R each out to the world with His love and grace;
Y earn to seek first His Kingdom & righteousness!
N ow go and make disciples of nations!
R est
I n the Lord's promise,
V ictory He's assured!
A lways
D elight in Him,
E xalt His Name!
N ever fear,
E l-Shadai, our Rock and Shield!
I n Christ,
R ejoice always,
A gain rejoice!
This acrostic may be sung to the tune of "You Raise Me Up" by Josh Groban
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Hi, I'm Agung from Indonesia.
I came across your Grace at Work, and thought of dropping a line with an acrostic of your name. You can sing it to the tune of the hymn "How Great Thou Art"
T rust and obey,
A ll to the Lord surrendered;
N ever fear whatever may befall me!
S eek His Kingdom and His righteousness on earth!
O ur praises raise to His glory alone!
*O let Your Word richly dwell in us, Lord!
I n everything give thanks to Thee!
N ew creation in Christ Thou has formed us,
N ow and forever we are Thine!
Tune to “How Great Thou Art”
Hope you'll like it.
God bless you!
agung halim
Hi Agung,
Thank you for your hard work and encouragement. Where in Indonesia are you and what do you do?
I came across your Grace at Work, and thought of dropping a line with an acrostic of your name. You can sing it to the tune of the hymn "How Great Thou Art"
T rust and obey,
A ll to the Lord surrendered;
N ever fear whatever may befall me!
S eek His Kingdom and His righteousness on earth!
O ur praises raise to His glory alone!
*O let Your Word richly dwell in us, Lord!
I n everything give thanks to Thee!
N ew creation in Christ Thou has formed us,
N ow and forever we are Thine!
Tune to “How Great Thou Art”
Hope you'll like it.
God bless you!
agung halim
Hi Agung,
Thank you for your hard work and encouragement. Where in Indonesia are you and what do you do?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
M ake me an instrument
A pproved unto You;
R ejoice in Your love,
T rusting in Your grace;
H ave Your way, and make me wholly Yours, Lord!
A doulos ready to serve to the end!
M ay Your Kingdom come,
U nite our hearts to yearn!
N ow
I n our praises, we enthrone You, Lord!
Z ealous for Your glory in all we do!
Z estful
I n the Spirit, Your joy my strength!
Tune to “You Raise Me Up”
Known for her dynamic, inspiring and anointed ministry, Martha Munizzi (mew-NIZ-ee) is an internationally acclaimed singer, songwriter, speaker, and one of our nation's most popular worship leaders.
Martha's musical journey began at age 8 when she started singing with her family in concerts and crusades around the United States and Canada. As a teenager, Martha's vocal skills and songwriting ability became evident, and it soon became clear that God was birthing in her a desire to lead others into His presence as she began to lead worship at her home church in Central Florida.
Shortly thereafter, Martha sensed that God was moving her into the next phase of her ministry, and now this powerhouse vocalist leads thousands in worship at concerts, conferences, and churches around the world. In addition, Martha has also ministered with many powerful ministries including; Pastor Joel Osteen, Pastor Creflo Dollar, Pastor Benny Hinn, CeCe Winans, Bishop T.D. Jakes, and has also appeared on TBN's "Praise The Lord," Daystar Television Network, "Life Today" with James Robison, and most recently on BET Gospel.
Among her smash radio hits are "Shout", "Say The Name", "Glorious" and "Because of Who You Are." This sensational singer is being embraced by the public and critics alike. She has been nominated for Dove, Stellar and Soul Train Awards as both a performer and songwriter. Her songs are having a global impact and have become modern day praise and worship standards. Munizzi's songs are featured on "Gotta Have Gospel Vol. 2 & 3" and "WOW Gospel 2005." But it's not just her songs that have attracted the gospel community to her music; it's also her exhortation and passionate style of delivery.
To date, Martha has released three independent projects worldwide, including "Say The Name", "The Best Is Yet To Come" and "When He Came." "The Best Is Yet To Come" propelled Martha's ministry into the stratosphere generating such hits as "Glorious", "Mighty God" and "God Is Here." This project peaked at #2 on the Billboard Top Gospel Album charts in 2004 and has remained on the charts for more than a year. Martha's 2004 holiday recording "When He Came." entered Billboard's Top Gospel charts at #5. This saw Munizzi accomplish a feat rarely achieved by any Gospel Artist, let alone an Independent Recording Artist by having two projects in the top five on Billboard's Gospel charts at the same time. Billboard also named Martha Munizzi as one of the top five (5) Gospel Artists for 2004 and her project "The Best Is Yet To Come" as one of the top ten (10) selling Gospel projects for 2004.
Also, in 2005, Munizzi was double nominated for a Dove Award for "Best Contemporary Gospel Song of the Year" for the singles "Because Of Who You Are" and "Say The Name." In addition, Munizzi was nominated for two 2005 Stellar Awards for "New Artist of the Year" and "Female Vocalist of the Year." As a result, Martha made history as being the first non African-American female to win a Stellar Award when she was presented with the 2005 Stellar for "Best New Artist of the Year." With her music and her ministry, Martha has succeeded in blending several different musical styles to form her own unique sound.
Martha is also a gifted teacher in the area of praise and worship, and travels the world encouraging others to seek a new level of worship in their lives. Martha's message is clear, "My deepest desire is to transcend cultural, generational, and denominational boundaries, and to bring all people together through worship."
Married for over 18 years, Martha resides in Orlando, FL., with her husband Dan Munizzi, who is also her manager and partner in ministry and their 3 precious children, Danielle, Nicole and Nathan.
M ake me an instrument
A pproved unto You;
R ejoice in Your love,
T rusting in Your grace;
H ave Your way, and make me wholly Yours, Lord!
A doulos ready to serve to the end!
M ay Your Kingdom come,
U nite our hearts to yearn!
N ow
I n our praises, we enthrone You, Lord!
Z ealous for Your glory in all we do!
Z estful
I n the Spirit, Your joy my strength!
Tune to “You Raise Me Up”
Known for her dynamic, inspiring and anointed ministry, Martha Munizzi (mew-NIZ-ee) is an internationally acclaimed singer, songwriter, speaker, and one of our nation's most popular worship leaders.
Martha's musical journey began at age 8 when she started singing with her family in concerts and crusades around the United States and Canada. As a teenager, Martha's vocal skills and songwriting ability became evident, and it soon became clear that God was birthing in her a desire to lead others into His presence as she began to lead worship at her home church in Central Florida.
Shortly thereafter, Martha sensed that God was moving her into the next phase of her ministry, and now this powerhouse vocalist leads thousands in worship at concerts, conferences, and churches around the world. In addition, Martha has also ministered with many powerful ministries including; Pastor Joel Osteen, Pastor Creflo Dollar, Pastor Benny Hinn, CeCe Winans, Bishop T.D. Jakes, and has also appeared on TBN's "Praise The Lord," Daystar Television Network, "Life Today" with James Robison, and most recently on BET Gospel.
Among her smash radio hits are "Shout", "Say The Name", "Glorious" and "Because of Who You Are." This sensational singer is being embraced by the public and critics alike. She has been nominated for Dove, Stellar and Soul Train Awards as both a performer and songwriter. Her songs are having a global impact and have become modern day praise and worship standards. Munizzi's songs are featured on "Gotta Have Gospel Vol. 2 & 3" and "WOW Gospel 2005." But it's not just her songs that have attracted the gospel community to her music; it's also her exhortation and passionate style of delivery.
To date, Martha has released three independent projects worldwide, including "Say The Name", "The Best Is Yet To Come" and "When He Came." "The Best Is Yet To Come" propelled Martha's ministry into the stratosphere generating such hits as "Glorious", "Mighty God" and "God Is Here." This project peaked at #2 on the Billboard Top Gospel Album charts in 2004 and has remained on the charts for more than a year. Martha's 2004 holiday recording "When He Came." entered Billboard's Top Gospel charts at #5. This saw Munizzi accomplish a feat rarely achieved by any Gospel Artist, let alone an Independent Recording Artist by having two projects in the top five on Billboard's Gospel charts at the same time. Billboard also named Martha Munizzi as one of the top five (5) Gospel Artists for 2004 and her project "The Best Is Yet To Come" as one of the top ten (10) selling Gospel projects for 2004.
Also, in 2005, Munizzi was double nominated for a Dove Award for "Best Contemporary Gospel Song of the Year" for the singles "Because Of Who You Are" and "Say The Name." In addition, Munizzi was nominated for two 2005 Stellar Awards for "New Artist of the Year" and "Female Vocalist of the Year." As a result, Martha made history as being the first non African-American female to win a Stellar Award when she was presented with the 2005 Stellar for "Best New Artist of the Year." With her music and her ministry, Martha has succeeded in blending several different musical styles to form her own unique sound.
Martha is also a gifted teacher in the area of praise and worship, and travels the world encouraging others to seek a new level of worship in their lives. Martha's message is clear, "My deepest desire is to transcend cultural, generational, and denominational boundaries, and to bring all people together through worship."
Married for over 18 years, Martha resides in Orlando, FL., with her husband Dan Munizzi, who is also her manager and partner in ministry and their 3 precious children, Danielle, Nicole and Nathan.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
C hoose to be
A n instrument of God's blessings;
N ow live the abundant life,
D o His will;
A true doulos serving the Lord,
C hrist Jesus!
E ver abiding, yielded to obey!
W ith all my heart, my soul, my mind
A nd my strength;
L iving each day reflecting His image!
K ingdom of God and righteousness seek first,
E njoy His love,
R ejoice, again rejoice!
You may sing it to the tune of Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up".
Hope you'll like it and enjoy!
In His Majesty's Service,
agung halim
Dear Candace
Hi, I'm Agung from Indonesia.
Whenever I come across websites that have blessed me, I like to acknowledge my appreciation. Since I like to make acrostics, I use the name(s) to write one and usually it's tunable to a song/hymn.
Thank you so much for the wonderful words...I loved it!
Be blessed,
Candace Walker-Editor
About the BellaOnline Gospel Editor
Candace Walker is the host and producer of a television show called Christian Conversations. The show is dedicated to showcasing the many blessings of Christian artists and leaders and airs locally in Atlanta, Georgia. "We are committed to providing our viewers with the knowledge that you can be blessed, profitable, and live an abundant life serving the Lord" says Walker. She is also the past Gospel and Lifestyle Editor for a Christian Men´s publication entitled 3V Magazine. Besides holding the Editor title at Bellaonline for their Gospel and Christian Music Websites her byline has been featured in several publications including; The Indianapolis Recorder, The Black Chronicle Newspaper, E-Music.com and Saved Magazine. You can also visit her website at www.christianconversations.com and learn more about Christian Conversations.
Here at BellaOnline Candace intends to focus on the world of Gospel music and artists. "I plan to offer reviews of the latest CDs, events and give one on one interviews with some of the hottest musical acts and Christian leaders in the country."
Visit often and enjoy!
Take Care and God Bless
C hoose to be
A n instrument of God's blessings;
N ow live the abundant life,
D o His will;
A true doulos serving the Lord,
C hrist Jesus!
E ver abiding, yielded to obey!
W ith all my heart, my soul, my mind
A nd my strength;
L iving each day reflecting His image!
K ingdom of God and righteousness seek first,
E njoy His love,
R ejoice, again rejoice!
You may sing it to the tune of Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up".
Hope you'll like it and enjoy!
In His Majesty's Service,
agung halim
Dear Candace
Hi, I'm Agung from Indonesia.
Whenever I come across websites that have blessed me, I like to acknowledge my appreciation. Since I like to make acrostics, I use the name(s) to write one and usually it's tunable to a song/hymn.
Thank you so much for the wonderful words...I loved it!
Be blessed,
Candace Walker-Editor
About the BellaOnline Gospel Editor
Candace Walker is the host and producer of a television show called Christian Conversations. The show is dedicated to showcasing the many blessings of Christian artists and leaders and airs locally in Atlanta, Georgia. "We are committed to providing our viewers with the knowledge that you can be blessed, profitable, and live an abundant life serving the Lord" says Walker. She is also the past Gospel and Lifestyle Editor for a Christian Men´s publication entitled 3V Magazine. Besides holding the Editor title at Bellaonline for their Gospel and Christian Music Websites her byline has been featured in several publications including; The Indianapolis Recorder, The Black Chronicle Newspaper, E-Music.com and Saved Magazine. You can also visit her website at www.christianconversations.com and learn more about Christian Conversations.
Here at BellaOnline Candace intends to focus on the world of Gospel music and artists. "I plan to offer reviews of the latest CDs, events and give one on one interviews with some of the hottest musical acts and Christian leaders in the country."
Visit often and enjoy!
Take Care and God Bless
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
S oaring high like the majestic Garuda,
U nstoppable,
D are to face challenges!
H ave commitment, persistence
A nd consistence;
M ake a difference,
E xcellence
K eep striving!
A transformation in the world impacting,
W inning attitude inspire, Never Quit!
S eek to be the very best we can be; Spirit & Passion for learning ignite!
Garuda Food CEO
Lyrics by Agung K. Halim
Dilagukan dengan “You Raise Me Up”
July 4, 2007
S oaring high like the majestic Garuda,
U nstoppable,
D are to face challenges!
H ave commitment, persistence
A nd consistence;
M ake a difference,
E xcellence
K eep striving!
A transformation in the world impacting,
W inning attitude inspire, Never Quit!
S eek to be the very best we can be; Spirit & Passion for learning ignite!
Garuda Food CEO
Lyrics by Agung K. Halim
Dilagukan dengan “You Raise Me Up”
July 4, 2007
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