M aking
A difference,
K eep on
I nnovating;
N othing less than the best
G iving in life,
M otivating & encouraging
O thers;
R aising them up to achieve
E xcellence;
P ursuing
O n the highest goal we have
S et;
S ettling not upon our past successes;
I nspiring
B elief that all's possible,
L iving &
E mbodying to model
Feb. 23, 2006
A lways ready for the challenges ahead
N ow with confidence, optimism face
E xcellence - the standard that we will strive for
W ith the spirit of innovation grow
B elieving that
E verything is possible;
G ive the best
I n all things,
N ever give up!
N ew vision of tomorrow
I nspiring!
N othing less than the highest
G oal achieve!
"You Raise Me Up" tune
Saturday, December 30, 2006
"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" dgn "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus" =
H idup penuh
A nugrah bersamaMu;
P emeliharaanMu
P enuh kasih;
Y esus Gembala yang baik dan setia selalu
A yo marilah
N aikkan pujian
*N antikan Tuhan,
I nspirasikan
V isi;
E ngkaulah
R aja dalam hidupku;
S umber s'galanya
A kan tak kekurangan;
R ayakanlah &
Y esus memberkati!
H idup penuh
A nugrah bersamaMu;
P emeliharaanMu
P enuh kasih;
Y esus Gembala yang baik dan setia selalu
A yo marilah
N aikkan pujian
*N antikan Tuhan,
I nspirasikan
V isi;
E ngkaulah
R aja dalam hidupku;
S umber s'galanya
A kan tak kekurangan;
R ayakanlah &
Y esus memberkati!
H ow great & wonderful God has been to us
A ll thru the year He has watched & kept us
P onder & reflect on the new year ahead
P ursue God's will & purpose for
Y our life
N othing fearing,
E xpect God's
W onders at work;
Y ield to His Word, obey &
E xecute;
A ll to His glory & for His Kingdom
R ejoice & just delight in Him alone
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
H ope of a better year ahead inspring,
A lways prepared to face the challenges;
P urpose-driven,
P ursue God’s will in our lives;
Y ield and obey – ready do His bidding!
N ow
E mpowered by the Spirit,
W itnes His love!
Y esterday’s gone,
E xpect the best today!
A spirit of dependence develop,
R ejoice, give thanks to God in everything!
Tune to “You Raise Me Up”
H ow swiftly time flies like the spin of the Fates
A new year with its hopes and challenges
P lan thoroughly and be
P repared for surprise
Y ou will achieve the SUCCESS you're after
N othing fearing,
E xpect all things possible
W ith commitment
Y earning true
E xcellence
A im for nothing less than the Best you can
R ise up and shine, ready for anything!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
H ow great & wonderful God has been to us
A ll thru the year He has watched & kept us
P onder & reflect on the new year ahead
P ursue God's will & purpose for
Y our life
N othing fearing,
E xpect God's
W onders at work;
Y ield to His Word, obey &
E xecute;
A ll to His glory & for His Kingdom
R ejoice & just delight in Him alone
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
H ope of a better year ahead inspring,
A lways prepared to face the challenges;
P urpose-driven,
P ursue God’s will in our lives;
Y ield and obey – ready do His bidding!
N ow
E mpowered by the Spirit,
W itnes His love!
Y esterday’s gone,
E xpect the best today!
A spirit of dependence develop,
R ejoice, give thanks to God in everything!
Tune to “You Raise Me Up”
H ow swiftly time flies like the spin of the Fates
A new year with its hopes and challenges
P lan thoroughly and be
P repared for surprise
Y ou will achieve the SUCCESS you're after
N othing fearing,
E xpect all things possible
W ith commitment
Y earning true
E xcellence
A im for nothing less than the Best you can
R ise up and shine, ready for anything!
Tune to "You Raise Me Up"
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
L eaders serve, sacrifice,
A pt to teach,
D o pass on legacies;
E xpect critics,
R eally honest feedback seek;
S tand up, do your part; show appreciation!
L eadership is a trust-based RELATIONSHIP!
E xpose yourself &
G et to be well-liked;
A llow disagreements,
C hoose to understand;
Y es, let your people go & give freedom!
T he future embrace;
I gnite the people's vision, stir their souls;
T he leader in others liberating,
S how humility as a follower!
B e COURAGEOUS, ready to make tough choices!
E xpect adversities, fear, suffering;
S trong beliefs, little acts can make a difference!
T o be human, humble & dare to fail!
L eaders serve, sacrifice,
A pt to teach,
D o pass on legacies;
E xpect critics,
R eally honest feedback seek;
S tand up, do your part; show appreciation!
L eadership is a trust-based RELATIONSHIP!
E xpose yourself &
G et to be well-liked;
A llow disagreements,
C hoose to understand;
Y es, let your people go & give freedom!
T he future embrace;
I gnite the people's vision, stir their souls;
T he leader in others liberating,
S how humility as a follower!
B e COURAGEOUS, ready to make tough choices!
E xpect adversities, fear, suffering;
S trong beliefs, little acts can make a difference!
T o be human, humble & dare to fail!
C haracter, integrity
O ur foundation;
N ever compromise,
N or take for granted;
I nspiring women leaders to take a stand,
E mpowering to be the best they can!
G uiding &
L eading to make a real difference,
A transformation in
S ociety create;
E xcellence pursuing with a passion,
R ise and soar like the eagle majestic!
C haracter, integrity
O ur foundation;
N ever compromise,
N or take for granted;
I nspiring women leaders to take a stand,
E mpowering to be the best they can!
G uiding &
L eading to make a real difference,
A transformation in
S ociety create;
E xcellence pursuing with a passion,
R ise and soar like the eagle majestic!
J oining hand in hand - leadership develop,
A commitment to integrity hold,
M odel the Way with
E xemplary conduct;
S hared vision inspire to make a difference!
K eep
O n challenging the process, innovate!
U nleash the best, enable others to act;
Z ealously keep
E ncouraging the heart,
S triving for excellence with a passion!
B e credible,
A lways integrity show!
R eady to model the Way excellent!
R eally a shared vision inspire with gusto!
Y es! Be different; Dare challenge the process!
P urposing to enable
O thers to act,
S eek to encourage the heart,
N ever Quit!
E mpower others to strive for the best!
R eaching life¹s goal, leaving a legacy!
Also tuned to "You Raise Me Up"
J oining hand in hand - leadership develop,
A commitment to integrity hold,
M odel the Way with
E xemplary conduct;
S hared vision inspire to make a difference!
K eep
O n challenging the process, innovate!
U nleash the best, enable others to act;
Z ealously keep
E ncouraging the heart,
S triving for excellence with a passion!
B e credible,
A lways integrity show!
R eady to model the Way excellent!
R eally a shared vision inspire with gusto!
Y es! Be different; Dare challenge the process!
P urposing to enable
O thers to act,
S eek to encourage the heart,
N ever Quit!
E mpower others to strive for the best!
R eaching life¹s goal, leaving a legacy!
Also tuned to "You Raise Me Up"
L ead
E excellently, practice: MODEL THE WAY;
D reams make realized;
R each for the best!
S eek:
H onesty,
I ntegrity,
P assion!
H ave courage,
A ttitude!
L ove ‘em &
L ead ‘em,
N ever fear & never quit
G ive our best!
E ncourage and empower to transform!
Tune to “You Raise Me Up”
September 27, 2006
L ead
E excellently, practice: MODEL THE WAY;
D reams make realized;
R each for the best!
S eek:
H onesty,
I ntegrity,
P assion!
H ave courage,
A ttitude!
L ove ‘em &
L ead ‘em,
N ever fear & never quit
G ive our best!
E ncourage and empower to transform!
Tune to “You Raise Me Up”
September 27, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
S urely you can slay DISCOURAGEMENT
L et God’s will in
A dversity dire
Y ield a perfect JOYFUL endurance
T rust His promise for
H eavenly wisdom
E valuate your circumstances
D irect your focus
R ely on Him
A nd this is my
G oal:
O nly please Him
N ot just self-pleasing, ‘tis my desire
Tune to “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine”
September 22, 2004
Inspiration: From Chip Ingram’s “How to Slay the Dragon of Discouragement”
S urely you can slay DISCOURAGEMENT
L et God’s will in
A dversity dire
Y ield a perfect JOYFUL endurance
T rust His promise for
H eavenly wisdom
E valuate your circumstances
D irect your focus
R ely on Him
A nd this is my
G oal:
O nly please Him
N ot just self-pleasing, ‘tis my desire
Tune to “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine”
September 22, 2004
Inspiration: From Chip Ingram’s “How to Slay the Dragon of Discouragement”
C hrist is Lord and Master of my life
H is precious blood has purchased
I n His image restored
P urified by His blood,
I will always exalt Him
N ow unto Him be all
G lory, Power
R ejoicing in the Lord
A lways
M ake me a channel of Your love, oh Precious Lord - Transforming the world around me
Tune to “Amazing Grace”September 22, 2004
C hrist is Lord and Master of my life
H is precious blood has purchased
I n His image restored
P urified by His blood,
I will always exalt Him
N ow unto Him be all
G lory, Power
R ejoicing in the Lord
A lways
M ake me a channel of Your love, oh Precious Lord - Transforming the world around me
Tune to “Amazing Grace”September 22, 2004
C hrist-centred,
H ave passion for the Lord;
U nto the ends of the earth,
C hrist & His love proclaim!
K nowing Him and to others make known,
S eek His Kingdom and righteousness,
W ith all my heart!
I n the power of the Spirit,
N ow to the world going;
D oing all in obedience to the Great Commission;
O nly Christ, the name under heaven that can save us,
L ead us to God,
L ife eternal!
Tune to “Majesty”
C hrist-centred,
H ave passion for the Lord;
U nto the ends of the earth,
C hrist & His love proclaim!
K nowing Him and to others make known,
S eek His Kingdom and righteousness,
W ith all my heart!
I n the power of the Spirit,
N ow to the world going;
D oing all in obedience to the Great Commission;
O nly Christ, the name under heaven that can save us,
L ead us to God,
L ife eternal!
Tune to “Majesty”
Monday, July 17, 2006
P urpose-driven to realize our grand dreams!
O nly with commitment and persistence,
P erform to the best of our ability!
S trive for Excellence and never quitting!
I nspiring hope of a better tomorrow!
L et go of the past and pursue the now,
A iming to transform the world around us!
2006 --- the dawn of a great year
Tune to “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban
Words by AG(Acrostic Guy)ung K. Halim
Loyola College, High School Orientation Week
July 17-23, 2006
P urpose-driven to realize our grand dreams!
O nly with commitment and persistence,
P erform to the best of our ability!
S trive for Excellence and never quitting!
I nspiring hope of a better tomorrow!
L et go of the past and pursue the now,
A iming to transform the world around us!
2006 --- the dawn of a great year
Tune to “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban
Words by AG(Acrostic Guy)ung K. Halim
Loyola College, High School Orientation Week
July 17-23, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
H ave an impact
I n the world!
G etH old of these laws:
I nstill a PURPOSE,
U nleashing LOVE
R each out for the KINGDOM
C hrist,
H is glory praise!
"Onward Christian Soldiers" tune
H ave an impact
I n the world!
G etH old of these laws:
I nstill a PURPOSE,
U nleashing LOVE
R each out for the KINGDOM
C hrist,
H is glory praise!
"Onward Christian Soldiers" tune
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
R ise up
A nd be counted to build our nation!
F iliae Mellioris Aevi;
F ostering
L eadership of great
E xcellence;
S trive for lifelong learning, meaningful lives
G oal of fine character development aim
I ntellect nurture, imagination fire;
R espect, care and trust show in all we do;
L ive by principles,
S ense of equity
Sing to the tune “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban
R ise up
A nd be counted to build our nation!
F iliae Mellioris Aevi;
F ostering
L eadership of great
E xcellence;
S trive for lifelong learning, meaningful lives
G oal of fine character development aim
I ntellect nurture, imagination fire;
R espect, care and trust show in all we do;
L ive by principles,
S ense of equity
Sing to the tune “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban
N ow forever
G low!
L ike a beacon
O f truth shine!
C haracter strong, sterling quality
H oned with true integrity;
I n everything, our utmost give
N ever fear nor ever quit;
E xcellence aim,
S trive to the end;
E mblem of grand endeavour!
S ing ACS forever more,
C ommit ourselves - be the Best!
H ope
O f a better world inspire;
O ldham's
L egacy pass on! "ACS Anthem" tune
N ow forever
G low!
L ike a beacon
O f truth shine!
C haracter strong, sterling quality
H oned with true integrity;
I n everything, our utmost give
N ever fear nor ever quit;
E xcellence aim,
S trive to the end;
E mblem of grand endeavour!
S ing ACS forever more,
C ommit ourselves - be the Best!
H ope
O f a better world inspire;
O ldham's
L egacy pass on! "ACS Anthem" tune
J elas,
E ngkau hadir tinggalkan
J ejak;
A llah Maha
K asih
T ‘lah sadarkan;
U ngkapkan
H ati nurani tersesat;
A nugrahMu kita me-
N antikan;
*D ukung,
I kut bahu-
M embahu bantu;
U ntuk bangkitkan
S emangat,
I man;
B erdoa,
A llah
H ikmatNya
G ugah;
E kspresi[kan]
M isi
P eduli
A mal!
Tune to “You Raise Me Up”
J elas,
E ngkau hadir tinggalkan
J ejak;
A llah Maha
K asih
T ‘lah sadarkan;
U ngkapkan
H ati nurani tersesat;
A nugrahMu kita me-
N antikan;
*D ukung,
I kut bahu-
M embahu bantu;
U ntuk bangkitkan
S emangat,
I man;
B erdoa,
A llah
H ikmatNya
G ugah;
E kspresi[kan]
M isi
P eduli
A mal!
Tune to “You Raise Me Up”
Sunday, July 09, 2006
D ipersatukan dalam kasih Kristus,
W ujudkan
I mpian menjadi berkat;
D amai dibumi dan sukacita disurga bawa;
A langkah
N an indahnya dunia ini!
O h, jadikanlah, kami
S aksi-saksi Mu, bagai Terang dan garam didunia!
C arilah dulu
A llah dan Keb’naranNya;
R aja dan Tuhanku, Gembala yang Baik!
Dilagukan dengan “Ku Mau Cinta Yesus”
D ipersatukan dalam kasih Kristus,
W ujudkan
I mpian menjadi berkat;
D amai dibumi dan sukacita disurga bawa;
A langkah
N an indahnya dunia ini!
O h, jadikanlah, kami
S aksi-saksi Mu, bagai Terang dan garam didunia!
C arilah dulu
A llah dan Keb’naranNya;
R aja dan Tuhanku, Gembala yang Baik!
Dilagukan dengan “Ku Mau Cinta Yesus”
Saturday, June 03, 2006
DOA UNTUK JOGJA dgn "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"=
D engarkan
O h Tuhan, doa
A nakMu;
U lurkan tangan,
N yatakan kasihMu;
T abahkan hati
U ntuk hadapi tragedi ini;
K uatkanlah dengan kuasa RohMu.
J anjiMu tetap, takkan kami tergoyah;
O mbak, badai hidup 'kan berlalu
G enapkan Firman,
J adi Terang, Pelita;
A nugrahMu penuhi hidup kami
D engarkan
O h Tuhan, doa
A nakMu;
U lurkan tangan,
N yatakan kasihMu;
T abahkan hati
U ntuk hadapi tragedi ini;
K uatkanlah dengan kuasa RohMu.
J anjiMu tetap, takkan kami tergoyah;
O mbak, badai hidup 'kan berlalu
G enapkan Firman,
J adi Terang, Pelita;
A nugrahMu penuhi hidup kami
GOD HAS A PLAN dgn lagu "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"
G od is in control
O ver the world's events;
D esigns
H is purpose
A ccording to His will;
S urely Aceh, Nias and Jogja are not just accidents;
A new Indonesia that fears God He plans!
P ure, just & righteous - freed from greed & corruption;
L ordship of Christ in all things acknowledge
A lways seeking first His Kingdom of truth and light;
N ow let us be His light and salt of the earth!
G od is in control
O ver the world's events;
D esigns
H is purpose
A ccording to His will;
S urely Aceh, Nias and Jogja are not just accidents;
A new Indonesia that fears God He plans!
P ure, just & righteous - freed from greed & corruption;
L ordship of Christ in all things acknowledge
A lways seeking first His Kingdom of truth and light;
N ow let us be His light and salt of the earth!
Friday, June 02, 2006
C hrist alone,
O nly Saviour in the world;
N ow
V ict'ry over sin give;
I n power
C onvicting Word of Christ,
The hard hearts break, [&] broken heal
*I will
N ow
G lory, in the Cross of Calvary;
W ith Spirit's power
O h the Gospel share,
R eaching out to lost souls,
D irecting them to the Way, the Truth, the Life, that's Jesus Christ!
"Thy Word"
Mark 2:5 (1-12)
April 10, 2006
C hrist alone,
O nly Saviour in the world;
N ow
V ict'ry over sin give;
I n power
C onvicting Word of Christ,
The hard hearts break, [&] broken heal
*I will
N ow
G lory, in the Cross of Calvary;
W ith Spirit's power
O h the Gospel share,
R eaching out to lost souls,
D irecting them to the Way, the Truth, the Life, that's Jesus Christ!
"Thy Word"
Mark 2:5 (1-12)
April 10, 2006
L et not
E vil
T emptations snare,
C hrist
H as
R edeemed us from our sins;
I n humility
S ubmit,
T rust;
M ost dangerous of
'A ll is pride
*S erve
T he living Lord,
E xalt Him
R est not upon our strength so frail
Y ield not to the devil's enticements,
O h, ask God to give
U s more His grace; Beware of the hidden rattlers!
"He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought
Prov.29:23 (2Kings 20:12-21)
L et not
E vil
T emptations snare,
C hrist
H as
R edeemed us from our sins;
I n humility
S ubmit,
T rust;
M ost dangerous of
'A ll is pride
*S erve
T he living Lord,
E xalt Him
R est not upon our strength so frail
Y ield not to the devil's enticements,
O h, ask God to give
U s more His grace; Beware of the hidden rattlers!
"He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought
Prov.29:23 (2Kings 20:12-21)
GOD HAS A PLAN dgn lagu "Ku Mau Cinta Yesus"
G od is in control
O ver the world's events;
D esigns
H is purpose
A ccording to His will;
S urely Aceh, Nias and Jogja are not just accidents;
A new Indonesia that fears God He plans!
P ure, just & righteous - freed from greed & corruption;
L ordship of Christ in all things acknowledge
A lways seeking first His Kingdom of truth and light;
N ow let us be His light and salt of the earth!
G od is in control
O ver the world's events;
D esigns
H is purpose
A ccording to His will;
S urely Aceh, Nias and Jogja are not just accidents;
A new Indonesia that fears God He plans!
P ure, just & righteous - freed from greed & corruption;
L ordship of Christ in all things acknowledge
A lways seeking first His Kingdom of truth and light;
N ow let us be His light and salt of the earth!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
G uided by God’s own Holy Word
O beying it wholly
D irected by the Holy Spirit
I will fully submit
S urrendering my will to Your will
M y Utmost for
Y our Highest
C hrist is in charge of my life as CHIEF
E xecutive
O fficer
(Tune to “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”)
August 29, 2004
GKT Morning Service
G uided by God’s own Holy Word
O beying it wholly
D irected by the Holy Spirit
I will fully submit
S urrendering my will to Your will
M y Utmost for
Y our Highest
C hrist is in charge of my life as CHIEF
E xecutive
O fficer
(Tune to “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”)
August 29, 2004
GKT Morning Service
Prayer of Jabez
P lease bless me, Lord, with
R ealms enlarged
A nd
Y our hand would be with me indeed
E vil You put away from me
R esting in Your great faithfulness
O h grant me this, and don’t deny
F or Your Glory, oh Lord, my God
J ust
B elieve FIRMLY
E l-Shadai
Z ealously we seek You
Tune to “Sweet Hour of Prayer”
August 31, 2004
P lease bless me, Lord, with
R ealms enlarged
A nd
Y our hand would be with me indeed
E vil You put away from me
R esting in Your great faithfulness
O h grant me this, and don’t deny
F or Your Glory, oh Lord, my God
J ust
B elieve FIRMLY
E l-Shadai
Z ealously we seek You
Tune to “Sweet Hour of Prayer”
August 31, 2004
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